2016-2-29 22:54
Talks for Foxconn’s $6bn takeover of Sharp have stalled after the Apple supplier postponed signing a deal only hours after the ailing Japanese electronics group agreed to the sale of a controlling stake.
Terry Gou, the founder of Taiwan’s Hon Hai Precision Industry, had appeared to achieve his years-long pursuit of the Japanese display maker after Sharp’s board on Thursday voted in favour of its offer against a competing bid by a Japanese state-backed fund. But in a brief statement late on Thursday, Hon Hai, better known as Foxconn, said it had received “new material information” from Sharp. “We have accordingly informed Sharp last night that we will have to postpone any signing of a definitive agreement until we have arrived at a satisfactory understanding and resolution of the situation,” it said. A person familiar with the matter said the issue concerned new details on Sharp’s financial position, but added that Mr Gou did not intend to walk away from the deal. Sharp declined to comment. 有关富士康(Foxconn,又称鸿海精密)以60亿美元收购夏普(Sharp)的谈判已陷于停滞。就在这家境况不佳的日本电子集团同意出售控股权数小时后,苹果(Apple)供应商富士康决定推迟签署协议。
周四,夏普董事会通过表决决定接受富士康发出的收购要约,而不是日本政府支持的基金“产业革新机构”(INCJ)发出的竞争性要约,富士康创始人郭台铭(Terry Gou)数年来对这家日本显示屏制造商的追求似乎终于修成正果。 但周四晚富士康发布了一份简短的声明,称收到夏普提交的一份“新的关键文件”。 声明称:“我们已经在当天(即夏普召开25日董事会前)通知夏普,我方必须厘清内容,并在双方达成共识之前暂缓签约。” 据一名知情人士透露,此事与夏普财务状况的新增细节有关,但这名人士表示,郭台铭并没打算退出这笔交易。 夏普拒绝置评。 译者/何黎 |