【英语财经】服务业兴起对新兴市场不利? Switch to services bodes ill for emerging world

双语秀   2016-09-14 17:04   343   0  

2016-2-3 22:54

小艾摘要: In 2014, for the first time since records began and almost certainly for the first time in human history, services, rather than goods, accounted for the bulk of the growth in global trade.According to ...
Switch to services bodes ill for emerging world
In 2014, for the first time since records began and almost certainly for the first time in human history, services, rather than goods, accounted for the bulk of the growth in global trade.

According to data from Unctad, the UN’s trade and development body, ephemeral services such as tourism, entertainment and business services were responsible for 62 per cent of the rise in exports in 2014, and physical goods for just 38 per cent.

The mix was the exact mirror image of 2013, when services’ share of growth was just 38 per cent and manufacturing, 62 per cent. The comparison with the five years to 2011, when services drove just 15 per cent of trade growth, as the first chart shows, is more striking still.

While we should be careful of drawing too many conclusions from a single data point, there are logical reasons for thinking the rise of services and the decline in goods trade, in relative terms at least, is here to stay.

When even an executive from Ikea, the Swedish furniture retailer, can say “in the west we have probably hit ‘peak stuff’” as Steve Howard, the company’s sustainability chief, did last month, we should probably listen.

“We have gone through a period in the west of very significant increase in consumption … in terms of carbon or livestock or cars and wider consumer goods we are approaching the peak,” said Mr Howard.

The data point to the trend being close to global, even if developed countries are further along it than emerging ones.

Figures from the Institute of International Finance, an industry body, show that services have steadily increased as a share of the economy in developed countries but also in Latin America, emerging Europe and China since 1990, as the second chart shows, even if the trend appears to have stalled in Asia-Pacific ex-China and largely evaded Africa and the Middle East.

More timely data suggest that, globally, the fortunes of services companies and manufacturers have diverged sharply since the start of 2014. The global purchasing managers' index, a measure of business confidence, is now markedly higher for the former sector than the latter, as the third chart shows.

This level of divergence between the fortunes of manufacturers and services sector companies is unprecedented, during this century at least.

Stephen Jen, founder of SLJ Capital Partners, a hedge fund manager, says that between 2000 and 2012 the correlation between the US manufacturing and non-manufacturing activity indices, compiled by the Institute for Supply Management, was typically between 0.8 and 1.

However, since 2014, this relationship has “broken down”, with the correlation between the two ISM indices now negative, as the fourth chart shows.

The poor showing of the manufacturing index looks even odder given the slump in the prices of energy and other commodities since 2014, which should benefit manufacturers, as it did in previous cycles.

“We are witnessing an important and consequential bifurcation between the relatively strong services sector and the relatively weak industrial sector in both China and the US,” says Mr Jen, who identifies a similar trend in the world’s second-largest economy.

Charles Collyns, chief economist of the IIF, believes there are an array of factors behind this trend, “all of which are likely to be enduring”.

Firstly, “rising global affluence” implies that the proportion of consumer spending directed towards necessities such as basic food and household goods will fall, and the percentage spent on “luxury items involving skilled personal services like meals out, entertainment and leisure travel” will rise.

Secondly, ageing populations reinforce this by directing more spending towards healthcare.

Thirdly, Mr Collyns argues there is an ongoing shift in the cutting edge of technological change away from hardware and towards software, most obviously in the IT sector but also in the likes of cars and robots.

Fourthly, while the gains from the globalisation of manufacturing over the past 25 years, such as the embedding of low-cost labour from poorer countries “may be reaching a limit”, this trend may just be starting for services, Mr Collyns argues.

“Services, traditionally seen as largely non-tradable, are increasingly supplied across borders, reflecting the rapid decline in international communications costs and an increasingly global entertainment market,” he says.

Assuming the shift towards services is a long-term trend, it has at least a couple of ramifications.

Firstly, given that services are, for the time being at least, still less likely to be traded cross-border than manufactured goods, it suggests that fears over the weakness of global trade may be overdone. Sluggish growth in trade need not necessarily imply weak global economic growth.

More specifically, indicators such as the Baltic Dry index, which measures the cost of shipping raw materials, and which has fallen to its lowest level since inception in 1985, are less useful as a gauge of broad economic health than ever before.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, such a shift would be bad news for emerging markets.

This issue is twofold. Firstly, a partial switch from spending on goods to consuming services plays into the hands of the developed world. Data from Unctad show that in 2014, services accounted for 21.2 per cent of the exports of developed world countries, but just 14.8 per cent of those of emerging nations.

The dematerialisation of consumption is also bad news for suppliers of commodities, disproportionately found in the emerging world.

Secondly, given that, for the time being at least, services are still less likely to be traded cross-border than goods, this implies that a greater share of the spoils of consumer spending in the rich world will stay in the rich world, rather than percolating down to poorer countries.

Mr Collyns believes this lies behind a “delinking” between the health of developed and developing countries, with the former currently growing at above their trend rate, and the latter below their trend.

“In past cycles, rising growth in advanced economies typically boosted demand for manufactured products and commodities in emerging economies, implying a synchronised global business cycle,” he says.

“However, this trade channel is losing power as a substantial share of demand in the advanced economies, both in consumption and investment, has been directed to the services sector.”

Others agree. Neil Shearing, chief emerging market economist at Capital Economics, says a shift towards services presents a “structural issue” for developing nations.

“It’s an interesting and important debate. Emerging markets need something tradable, some kind of high productivity activity. In the past that has been manufacturing.

“Can you get rich from trading services, are they high value added, high productivity?” he asks.

Mr Shearing does point to some examples of EMs successfully embracing export-led services, such as India’s IT outsourcers and Poland’s nascent strength in back office accounting, human resources and legal services.

However, he adds: “I think there are reasons to think you can get rich from services, but it’s much harder and it’s less scalable [than manufacturing]. It’s a counsel of despair to say the old path to prosperity has gone. I don’t think it has but it is more challenging. You need stronger human capital.”

Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman, believes this problem may be relatively minor at present but could get a lot worse in the years to come.

“It’s bad for emerging markets. It lends itself to the view that EMs are going to get screwed by the evolution of the advanced countries,” he says. “Maybe it’s not so much a snapshot of today but the trend that may become more important in five to 10 years’ time.”





瑞典家具零售商宜家(Ikea)的首席可持续发展官史蒂夫?霍华德(Steve Howard)上月说,“在西方,人们很可能已经达到了‘物品峰值’”。当一名宜家高管都能够说出这种话的时候,这话我们很可能应当听进去。






对冲基金公司SLJ Capital Partners的创始人任永力(Stephen Jen)表示,2000年至2012年,由供应管理学会(Institute for Supply Management)编制的美国制造业采购经理人指数与非制造业采购经理人指数的相关系数通常在0.8至1之间。




国际金融协会首席经济学家查尔斯?科林斯(Charles Collyns)认为,导致这一趋势出现的因素有很多,“这些因素全都可能会持续存在”。








更具体而言,波罗的海干散货运价指数 (Baltic Dry Index)等指标衡量整体经济健康状况的准确度比以往任何时候都小。波罗的海干散货运价指数衡量原材料海运成本,目前已跌至自1985年有记录以来的最低水平。








其他人认同这种说法。凯投宏观(Capital Economics)首席新兴市场经济学家尼尔?希林(Neil Shearing)表示,全球经济重心转向服务业给发展中国家带来了“结构性问题”。





布朗兄弟哈里曼(Brown Brothers Harriman)全球外汇策略主管马克?钱德勒(Marc Chandler)认为,这个问题目前可能还相对轻微,但在今后的数年中可能会严重恶化。


