【英语财经】中国企业进口商品发票被疑“虚报” Invoice inflation adds to China capital flight

双语秀   2016-09-14 17:00   203   0  

2016-1-28 22:00

小艾摘要: Over-invoicing of Chinese imports ramped up in December as capital flight intensified amid market turmoil and continued depreciation of the renminbi.Inflating the value of imports from Hong Kong to Ch ...
Invoice inflation adds to China capital flight
Over-invoicing of Chinese imports ramped up in December as capital flight intensified amid market turmoil and continued depreciation of the renminbi.

Inflating the value of imports from Hong Kong to China is commonly used to move cash out of the country and the method has come back into favour as authorities in China clamp down on official channels of taking cash abroad.

Imports from Hong Kong to China jumped 64 per cent year on year in December, according to China customs data. The same numbers released by Hong Kong customs officials showed only a 0.9 per cent increase, indicating the mainland figures were greatly overvalued. A discrepancy between the two sets of data is normal and Chinese authorities have over the years tolerated it. But the extent of the divergence in December suggests much greater use of one of the few conduits for bringing money out of China.

“It’s a big divergence,” said Raymond Yeung, a senior ANZ economist.

“China has been very vigilant about capital outflow so I think this might end in January.”

Chinese regulators have stepped up informal curbs on capital outflows to relieve pressure on the renminbi. Rapid currency depreciation has triggered turmoil in equity markets.

Starting at the end of December, Chinese regulators suspended the foreign exchange businesses of at least three global banks. In the second half of 2015, cross-border regulators also squeezed the official channels that Chinese companies have commonly used to invest abroad, such as the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme. Still, an estimated $150bn flowed abroad in the last three months of the year.

Mr Yeung noted that mainland authorities, while cracking down on invoice inflation this month, may also seek to stem outflows from China’s free trade zones. The zones, such as the one in Shanghai, are considered to be widening holes in the country’s capital controls.

Hong Kong is the first destination for the cash people and companies take out of the country. Over-invoicing in China usually requires a complicit trading partner in Hong Kong that agrees to inflate the cost of goods before a letter of credit can be issued by a bank. The cluster of companies doing cross-border trade in the region makes Hong Kong an ideal place to conduct the transactions.

The Shanghai Composite Index is down 21.2 per cent since the start of the year. The renminbi has depreciated by 5.9 per cent since August 11 as offshore interest rates have steadily climbed above onshore ones.

“Trade invoicing activities continue to distort China trade data,” a note from Natixis said. “As long as the interest rate differential gap across the border is wider than 100 [basis points], which is likely to be the case in 2016 H1, trade invoicing activities would continue.”




“两者之间差距非常大,”澳新银行(ANZ)的杨宇霆(Raymond Yeung)表示。






自今年初以来,上证综指(Shanghai Composite Index)累计下跌21.2%。自去年8月11日以来,人民币汇率已贬值5.9%,因人民币离岸利率稳步攀升,超过了人民币在岸利率。


