【英语财经】离岸人民币利率飙升至创纪录高位 Renminbi interest rate hits record in HK as China targets speculators

双语秀   2016-09-14 16:43   115   0  

2016-1-11 22:43

小艾摘要: China has opened a new front in its war to curb currency depreciation by buying up renminbi offshore, foiling the burgeoning carry trade and driving the cost of borrowing to a record high.The elevated ...
Renminbi interest rate hits record in HK as China targets speculators
China has opened a new front in its war to curb currency depreciation by buying up renminbi offshore, foiling the burgeoning carry trade and driving the cost of borrowing to a record high.

The elevated overnight CNH Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate (Hibor) shows how volatility in China’s currency — once a highly domestic side-show for global investors — is fanning across the globe through renminbi internationalisation. Hong Kong, the biggest offshore market, bears the brunt.

It is also a potent sign of the lengths to which China's central bank is prepared to go to support the value of offshore renminbi, known as CNH.

The overnight CNH Hibor, a daily benchmark for offshore renminbi interbank lending, hit a record-high 13.4 per cent on Monday, up from 4 per cent on Friday and the highest level since the benchmark was launched in 2013. The one-week rate surged from 7.1 per cent to 11.2 per cent.

The People’s Bank of China, acting through state-owned banks in Hong Kong, is buying up renminbi to curb CNH weakness and narrow the gap between CNH and onshore renminbi, known as CNY, analysts say.

The PBoC holds onto its purchases of CNH, thus depleting the supply of CNH available for interbank lending.

By buying CNH the PBoC also frustrates the short-term carry trade designed to profit from weakening renminbi. That trade involves borrowing CNH, exchanging the loan proceeds for foreign currency, then repaying the loan once the renminbi has fallen.

“It looks like PBoC wants to maintain a high cost of shorting CNH,” said Zhou Hao, Asia economist at Commerzbank in Singapore.

“On the other hand, it also shows that positioning is quite crowded — everyone borrows CNH to short — which means that a short covering could be very wild if it takes place.”

Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong totalled Rmb864bn ($130bn) at the end of November, a small fraction of the US dollars available to the PBoC for intervention from its $3.33tn stock of foreign exchange reserves. That means that relatively small interventions in the offshore market can have a major impact on CNH exchange and interest rates.

中国在抑制人民币贬值的战争中开辟了一条新战线——买入离岸人民币(CNH),挫败迅猛发展的套系交易(carry trade),并把借款成本推升至创纪录高位。







“看来中国央行想把做空离岸人民币的成本维持在高位,”德国商业银行(Commerzbank)驻新加坡的亚洲经济学家周浩(Zhou Hao)表示。



