2016-1-10 23:17
Global markets were in tumult yesterday after attempts by Chinese authorities to support share prices and the currency raised fresh questions of their ability to manage a slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy.
The Shanghai stock market was frozen for the second time in four days — after just 30 minutes of trading — when the size of losses triggered “circuit-breakers” designed to prevent panic selling. The renewed sell-off came after the offshore renminbi fell to the lowest level against the dollar since it was established in 2010. Investors were braced for a test of true market sentiment when markets open this morning after the Chinese regulator announced late yesterday that it had suspended the circuit breakers. Stock markets and commodity prices dropped around the globe, while leading government bonds and “haven” currencies rallied in a replay of the August market turmoil prompted by an unexpected currency devaluation. Andrew Milligan, head of global strategy for Standard Life, said recent economic data and “a lack of joined-up thinking by policymakers” in China had prompted “a reappraisal once again about what the state of the global economy is at the start of 2016”. Share trading in China was halted for the day after the benchmark Shanghai index dropped 7 per cent, the second time the circuit breakers were tripped this week. In four days the blue-chip CSI 300 index has lost 12 per cent. Critics of the Chinese policymakers’ response said the mechanism might have amplified losses, as investors rushed to abandon their positions for fear of being trapped by the trading halt. The plunge in stocks came after the central bank disclosed the scale of recent spending to prop up the currency, a consequence of capital flight. China’s forex reserves fell $108bn in December to $3.33tn, according to central bank figures released yesterday — greater than the $87bn slide in November. Reserves peaked at $3.99tn in June 2014 but have fallen for 13 of the past 15 months. The central bank also moved the daily fixing rate around which the renminbi is allowed to trade to the lowest in four years. The news rippled through global markets, with the oil price falling to a fresh 11-year low beneath $33 a barrel for Brent crude. In Japan, the Topix index of shares closed down 2 per cent, and Eur-opean markets posted similar loses in a day of volatile trading. In New York, the S&P 500 fell at the open for the second day running. Additional reporting by Ma Nan and Roger Blitz 全球市场周四陷入动荡,中国当局支撑股价和人民币汇率的企图令人再度怀疑中国官员们管理全球第二大经济体放缓的能力。
开盘仅30分钟后,股市跌幅就触发了阻止恐慌性抛售的熔断机制,沪市4天内第二次被冻结。新一轮抛售之前,离岸人民币兑美元跌至自2010年离岸人民币机制形成以来的最低水平。 昨晚中国监管机构宣布暂停熔断机制,投资者准备好在周五早上开盘后接受真实市场情绪的考验。 全球各地的股市和大宗商品价格全线下跌,而领先大国的政府债券和“避险”货币上涨,重演了去年8月因人民币意外贬值而出现市场动荡的情景。 英国标准人寿投资公司(Standard Life Investments)全球策略主管安德鲁?米利根(Andrew Milligan)表示,最近的经济数据和中国“政策制定者缺乏通盘思维” 引发了“对全球经济在2016年开端处于何种状态的重新评估”。 周四,在作为基准的沪指下跌7%之后,中国股市的股票交易被停止,这是本周第二次触发熔断机制。四天内,以蓝筹股为成分股的沪深300(CSI 300)指数已下跌12%。 对于中国政策制定者这一回应举措,批评者表示该机制也许放大了跌幅,原因是投资者会由于担心受困于休市而急于清仓。 在股市此轮暴跌之前,中国央行(PBoC)披露了因资本外流而在近期为支撑人民币汇率而支出的规模。 根据央行昨天发布的数据,去年12月中国外汇储备减少1080亿美元,至3.33万亿美元,跌幅大于11月份的870亿美元。中国外汇储备在2014年6月达到3.99万亿美元的峰值。然而,在过去15个月内,中国的外汇储备有13个月在下跌。此外,中国央行还把人民币每日汇率中间价(人民币只允许在该中间价上下的一定区间内浮动)下调至四年来的最低点。 这一消息的影响波及全球市场,油价跌至新的11年低点,布伦特(Brent)原油低于每桶33美元。在日本,东证指数(Topix)收跌2%,欧洲各股市也在经历了动荡的一天后出现类似跌幅。在纽约,标普500(S&P 500)指数连续第二天开盘下跌。到收市时,标普500指数下跌2.4%,纳斯达克指数下跌3%。 人民币贬值拖累美国股指【英文原声】 Ma Nan和罗格?布里茨(Roger Blitz)补充报道 译者/何黎 |