2016-1-10 23:04
The People’s Bank of China set the daily fix 0.51 per cent weaker today, after the onshore currency rate weakened 0.6 per cent on Wednesday to its weakest level since March 2011.
The PBoC set the fix at 6.5646 per dollar, an eighth consecutive softening and the biggest such move since August, when the currency was suddenly devalued. On Wednesday the onshore exchange rate, CNY, fell to 6.5559 per dollar. Before the fix was set, the offshore rate – China’s exchange rate outside of the mainland, which was introduced in 2010 – depreciated 0.1 per cent to 6.7040, indicating market pressure for the central bank to set the fix lower. On Wednesday the offshore rate breached 6.7 for the first time in five years, before ending the session 0.78 per cent weaker at 6.6964 per dollar. Just after the fix was set, CNH depreciated another 0.8 per cent to 6.7514 per dollar. 中国央行今日将人民币兑美元汇率中间价调低0.51%。周三,在岸人民币汇率下跌0.6%,跌至2011年3月以来的低点。
中国央行将人民币兑美元汇率中间价设定在1美元兑6.5646元人民币,这是它连续第八日下调人民币汇率中间价,也是去年8月人民币突然贬值以来中国央行作出的最大一次调整。周三,在岸人民币汇率下跌至1美元兑6.5559元人民币。 在今日人民币汇率中间价设定之前,离岸人民币汇率下跌0.1%至1美元兑6.7040元人民币,显示出市场正在施压中国央行下调人民币汇率中间价。周三,离岸人民币汇率五年来首次跌破1美元兑6.7元人民币,后收跌至1美元兑6.6964元人民币,跌幅为0.78%。 在今日中间价设定后不久,离岸人民币汇率又下滑了0.8%,至1美元兑6.7514元人民币。 译者/何黎 |