2016-1-10 23:02
China’s entire equity market has been shut early – again – after the second threshold of its new “circuit breaker” was breached within the first 30 minutes of trading.
The CSI 300, a collection of blue chips in Shanghai and Shenzhen, triggers the circuit breaker if it falls 5 per cent, forcing a 15-minute market freeze. Upon resumption the losses continued, hitting 7 per cent and causing the entire market to be shut for the day. The CSI 300 finished the session with a loss of 7.2 per cent. The benchmark Shanghai Composite ended 7.3 per cent lower, while the blue-chip heavy Shenzhen Composite lost 8.3 per cent. After the first threshold was hit, the weakening renminbi abruptly reversed course. The offshore rate, CNH, had been down as much as 0.98 per cent. At pixel time it was 0.1 per cent stronger on the day, at 6.6964 per dollar. 中国股市今日开盘30分钟内就突破了第二道熔断阈值,整个股市“再次”提前关闭。
集合了沪深两市蓝筹股的沪深300指数(CSI 300)一旦下跌5%,就会触发熔断机制,迫使市场暂停交易15分钟。恢复交易后若股市继续下跌、跌幅触及7%这一熔断阈值,整个股市就将收市。 中国股市今日开盘后直线下跌,北京时间上午9时43分,也就是开盘仅13分钟后,即触发15分钟的临时停盘。恢复交易后1分钟内继续下跌,上午9时59分突破了第二道熔断阈值,导致整个股市自动收市。全天交易总时长只有14分钟。 中国的沪深两市是1990年开业的,今日则是25年来最短的一个交易日,不过这是可以理解的,因为熔断机制是在本周一才推出的。该机制在推出后的四个交易日里已被触发了两次。 沪深300指数以下跌7.2%结束了整个交易日。 上证综指下跌7.3%,深证综指下跌8.3%。 今日A股市场第一次熔断后,正在走弱的人民币突然逆转走向。离岸人民币汇率此前一度下跌0.98%,截至发稿时相对于开盘价上涨了0.1%,至1美元兑6.6964元人民币。 译者/何黎 |