【英语财经】万达投资150亿元人民币建私立医院 Dalian Wanda to invest $2.3bn in hospitals

双语秀   2016-09-14 16:38   111   0  

2016-1-10 22:51

小艾摘要: Dalian Wanda, the Chinese property-to-entertainment company headed by China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, is to branch out into one of the hottest mainland investment sectors: private hospitals.Wanda ...
Dalian Wanda to invest $2.3bn in hospitals
Dalian Wanda, the Chinese property-to-entertainment company headed by China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, is to branch out into one of the hottest mainland investment sectors: private hospitals.

Wanda said today it would invest Rmb15bn ($2.3bn) to build three big international hospitals in the Chinese cities of Shanghai, Chengdu and Qingdao.

Wanda said it would be the “largest of its kind in the healthcare sector for a Chinese company” and will be managed by International Hospitals Group, the UK hospitals group. Wanda is also in talks to buy Legendary Entertainment, the Hollywood company behind such films as Godzilla and Pacific Rim.

Beijing has vowed to boost the share of private hospitals in the severely overcrowded hospital sector to 20 per cent by this year. Many private hospitals have opened in recent years, but patients have proved slow to patronise them and healthcare analysts estimate current private hospital share is only about half the targeted figure.

Wang Jianlin, Chairman of Wanda Group, commented on the partnership.

Bringing a top level international hospital brand to the Chinese market is a new innovation in China. It not only satisfies the growing healthcare needs of the country’s affluent population, but also helps the cities in which these projects are located to elevate their healthcare standards to international levels, and to serve as role models for the development of premium healthcare in China.

中国首富王健林执掌的大连万达(Dalian Wanda)是一家经营房地产、娱乐等多种业务的集团。现在,这家集团又将业务拓展到中国最热门的投资领域之一——私立医院。


万达表示,这是中国企业在医疗行业的最大一笔投资,英国国际医院集团(International Hospitals Group)将负责这几家医院的运营。万达还在洽谈收购制作了《哥斯拉》(Godzilla )和《环太平洋》(Pacific Rim)等影片的好莱坞公司传奇娱乐(Legendary Entertainment)。



