2015-12-18 00:18
China’s State Power Investment Corporation has agreed to buy Pacific Hydro, a renewable energy business, in the latest in a string of Sino-Australian infrastructure deals.
IFM Investors, one of Australia’s largest pension funds, said on Wednesday it had signed an deal with State Power to sell the portfolio of 19 hydroelectric and wind farms in Australia, Chile and Brazil. It did not give a sale price but local media put it at more than A$2bn. “State Power is committed to maintaining the stability of Pacific Hydro’s current business and management teams, as well as supporting the expansion through the pipeline of development projects,” said Wang Binghua, chairman of State Power, in a statement. The purchase is the latest of several high-profile acquisitions by Chinese companies of Australian infrastructure assets, which heightened political concerns over foreign investment. Last year China Merchants Group teamed up with Hastings Funds Management and paid A$1.75bn for a 98-year lease to operate Newcastle Port, while China Communications Construction Company’s paid A$1.15bn to buy Australian builder John Holland. Last month it emerged that the Northern Territory government leased Darwin port to a Chinese company, Landbridge, without a full examination by Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board. Last month Scott Morrison, Australia’s treasurer, initiated a government review of foreign investment rules. He also blocked the sale by S Kidman & Co, a family-owned operation, of 100,000 sq km of farmland with 185,000 head of cattle to Chinese company citing “national security” grounds. IFM Investors said on Wednesday that the deal with Pacific Hydro had already received FIRB approval. Newly formed State Power Investment Corp is the product of a merger in August between China Power Investment (CPI) -— one of China’s “big five” power generation investors — and State Nuclear Power Technology Corp, which was originally set up to develop a Chinese-designed nuclear reactor following a technology transfer from Westinghouse. Additional reporting by Lucy Hornby in Beijing 中国国家电力投资集团(State Power Investment Corporation,简称:国家电投)已就收购可再生能源企业太平洋水电(Pacific Hydro)签署协议,这是一连串中澳基础设施交易中的最新一笔。
澳大利亚大型养老基金IFM Investors周三表示,已与国家电投签署协议,将旗下在澳大利亚、智利和巴西拥有19座水电站和风电场的太平洋水电出售给国家电投。IFM未透露收购价格,但当地媒体估计收购价超过20亿澳元。 国家电投董事长王炳华表示:“国家电投将致力于保持太平洋水电现有业务和管理团队的稳定,并为公司未来新项目的开发提供有力支持。” 中国企业最近对澳大利亚基础设施资产展开了好几笔高调收购,此次的收购是其中的最新一笔。这些收购加剧了澳大利亚国内对外国投资的政治担忧。 去年,中国招商局集团(China Merchants Group)与海斯丁斯基金管理公司(Hastings Funds Management)联手,以17.5亿澳元拿下了纽卡斯尔港(Newcastle Port) 98年的租约,而中国交通建设股份有限公司(China Communications Construction Company)斥资11.5亿澳元收购了澳大利亚建筑商John Holland。 上月有消息称,澳大利亚北领地(Northern Territory)政府在未经澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(FIRB)全面审查的情况下,决定将达尔文港(Darwin)租赁给中国岚桥集团(Landbridge)。 上个月,澳大利亚财长斯科特?莫里森(Scott Morrison)发起了对外商投资规定的政府审查。他还以“国家安全”为由,否决了家族企业S Kidman & Co将10万平方公里农场及农场里的18.5万头牛出售给中国企业的交易。 IFM周三表示,太平洋水电这笔交易已得到FIRB批准。 国家电投今年8月才成立,是中国电力投资集团(China Power Investment)与国家核电技术公司(SNPTC)合并的产物。中国电力投资集团是中国“五大”发电集团之一。国家核电技术公司成立的初衷则是为了在西屋公司(Westinghouse)向中方转让技术后,开发由中国设计的核反应堆。 韩碧如(Lucy Hornby)北京补充报道 译者/彩云 |