2015-12-5 03:25
Industrial profits fell 4.6 per cent year-on-year in October, compared to 0.1 per cent the month before, according to the National Statistics Bureau of China.
It was the second-worst reading this year, In August profits had contracted 8.8 per cent year-on-year, a record low, and only in April and March have modest year-on-year gains been eked out. Chinese industry is readjusting to a period of slower growth, partly on sluggish demand from overseas. But many factories are also plagued by overcapacity and inefficiency. 根据中国国家统计局(NBS)的数据,中国10月工业利润同比下降4.6%,9月为下降0.1%。
这是今年第二糟糕的读数。今年8月,工业利润同比下降8.8%,为记录低点,工业利润仅在4月和3月出现同比微幅增长。 中国工业正在适应增长放缓时期,中国经济增长放缓的部分原因是海外需求疲弱。但很多工厂还受到产能过剩和效率低下的困扰。 译者/梁艳裳 |