【英语财经】世界经济的头号威胁 Chinzila represents the number one threat to the global economy

双语秀   2016-09-14 16:20   101   0  

2015-10-26 23:22

小艾摘要: No longer a source of awe, Chinzila — the nexus between China and Brazil — has become the number one threat to the global economy.The spillover from weakening Chinese industrial growth to commodity ...
Chinzila represents the number one threat to the global economy
No longer a source of awe, Chinzila — the nexus between China and Brazil — has become the number one threat to the global economy.

The spillover from weakening Chinese industrial growth to commodity prices and volume demand has turned financial stress fractures into big faultlines within the emerging markets. Without careful management and co-ordination, it is possible these faultlines become systemic, with the Chinese renminbi the potential catalyst. While it has been clear since 2012 that China’s growth model was running out of road, the stock market bust and bungled currency depreciation brought the further realisation that policymakers overestimated their control over the economy. The price of these policy mistakes extends beyond several hundred billion dollars in lost foreign exchange reserves and a missed opportunity for banks burdened by bad debts to raise capital. They also come at a cost to the reform process itself. As long as growth is weak and the corporate sector beset by deflation, renminbi depreciation pressure will persist.

Attempts to discourage domestic capital outflows now risk creating a new bubble in the domestic bond market. Given that this financing channel remains the last hope of government efforts to kick the debt can down the road, a domestic bond market bubble may prompt capitulation to further renminbi depreciation in 2016.

Brazil, the pre-eminent beneficiary of China’s rise, has suffered most from its subsequent weakening. With a political stalemate forestalling any significant deficit reduction, Brazil suddenly finds its debt dynamics on an explosive trajectory.

Like China, Brazil’s problem is not the traditional one of excessive foreign debt, but rather a domestic credit boom. Thanks to vast capital inflows, real interest rates collapsed from an average of 12 per cent between 2001-07 to 5 per cent in the post-crisis period. Private credit duly surged from 50 per cent of gross domestic product in 2007 to 83 per cent at its peak in 2015. The silver lining is that Brazilian banks’ liquidity buffers are strong, and the worst of the bad debt issues are concentrated in state-owned banks.

The stresses besetting the Brazilian economy and loss of policy credibility have removed the option of a gradual adjustment. The “default” adjustment option becomes one of tighter monetary policy, an extremely weak currency and a more rapid fiscal adjustment — the sum of which entails much larger non-performing loans and contingent liabilities for the sovereign. Given Brazil’s large nominal deficit and more modest primary deficit, the result is explosive debt dynamics as borrowing costs shoot up.

Stresses in Brazil can morph into systemic risk through losses borne by common lenders. Of course, most emerging market central banks built large foreign reserve war chests over the cycle. While this has protected sovereign balance sheets, central banks are more reluctant to step in to bail corporates out of their currency exposures.

The only way to stop the bleeding is for current accounts to adjust sufficiently to cope with abnormally large capital outflows. One of the most striking aspects of the emerging market currency depreciations to date is how little current accounts have adjusted. The only solution is huge currency depreciation and monetary tightening which, in the first instance, will exacerbate deleveraging pressures and credit losses. On paper, China still has the capacity to save itself and other emerging markets. The optimal policy response would be a strong central government fiscal stimulus orientated toward consumption, not infrastructure; a vast carveout of non-performing loans from the financial system; reforms to the credit intermediation mechanism and to the social safety net. These reforms were not going to be easy in good times, but in bad, they would generally taste like a rotten egg to any politician.

The alternative of significant renminbi depreciation is frightening. Depreciation pressure is the side-effect of past policies gone wrong. To let that pressure out in the absence of a broader policy response to the debt overhang and credit misallocation problems is simply to unleash deflation on the rest of the world.

Gene Frieda is a global strategist for Moore Europe Capital Management










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