2015-11-5 16:46
Overstock, an oddball online retailer and redoubt of doomsday conservatism, has stashed away $10m in gold and silver coins as an insurance policy against financial apocalypse.
Jonathan Johnson, Overstock’s anti-establishment leader, told the Financial Times it held the precious metals outside the banking system so the company could pay employees even if lenders slammed shut in a crisis. Mr Johnson — who is running to be Utah governor — said Overstock also kept extra freeze-dried food so it had enough to feed each employee and one family member for three months. “We thought there’s a decent chance that there could be a banking holiday at some point caused by a crisis and it could last for two days or two weeks or who knows how long, and we wanted to be in a position where we could continue to operate during any such crisis,” he said. Overstock’s gold stash will resonate with libertarian conservatives who distrust the Federal Reserve and Wall Street and view gold as a refuge from government attempts to inflate and control the economy. Gold is not Overstock’s only act of rebellion against financial convention. Its chief executive, Patrick Byrne, is a strident libertarian who champions the virtual currency bitcoin and its immunity from government money-printing. Mr Johnson said Overstock’s board had approved its accumulation of gold and silver after the last financial crisis when the Fed’s policy of quantitative easing — which he called dangerously “irresponsible” — was in full swing. Its stockpile makes up about 10 per cent of the company’s liquid assets. With the Fed now debating when to lift interest rates, he said the current bent of monetary policy left him “somewhat” more relaxed. But he stressed that the US’s massive federal debt remained a serious threat to financial stability. On the bullion hoarding policy, he said: “It was put in place during quantitative easing. It’s in place now and we don’t see a reason to change it.” Overstock’s policy is redolent of the small band of US survivalists preparing for the end of civilisation, but Mr Johnson said he himself was not a “prepper”. “Gold is just one of the financial contingency plans that Overstock puts in place,” he said. “We also have contingencies if sales don’t come in as expected.” Speaking on the phone from his office in Salt Lake City, he described himself as a conservative Republican with a libertarian bent. He first revealed Overstock’s hidden treasure trove in a speech late last month at the United Precious Metals Association, which has sought to make gold legal tender in Utah. 行事古怪的在线零售商、“末日保守主义”的堡垒Overstock,已储藏了价值1000万美元的金银币,以防金融末日来临。
对当权者持反对态度的Overstock掌门人乔纳森?约翰逊(Jonathan Johnson)向英国《金融时报》表示,该公司在银行体系外持有贵金属,如此一来,即便银行在危机中倒闭,它也能够向员工支付薪水。 正在竞选犹他州州长的约翰逊表示,Overstock还储藏了额外的冻干食品,足以供该公司养活每名员工及其一位家人三个月。 他说:“我们认为,银行在某一时刻因危机而停业的概率很可观,而且这种情况可能会持续两天或两周,甚至不知道多长。我们想做好准备,以使自己在这种危机中也能持续经营。” Overstock储藏黄金的做法,将是对自由意志主义保守派的呼应。后者不信任美联储(Fed)和华尔街,把黄金视为一个避难所,来规避政府控制经济和使经济产生通胀的做法。 储藏黄金并非Overstock反抗金融惯例的唯一做法。该公司首席执行官帕特里克?伯恩(Patrick Byrne)是一名坚定的自由意志主义者,对虚拟货币比特币(bitcoin)及其不受政府印钞影响这一点持支持态度。 约翰逊表示,Overstock董事会在上次金融危机后批准了公司储备金银的做法——当时,美联储正全力实施量化宽松(QE)。他把量化宽松称为极其“不负责任的”政策。 Overstock的金银储备约占公司流动资产的10%。 鉴于美联储现在正在辩论何时加息,他表示,当前的货币政策倾向让他“多少”松了一口气。但他强调,美国的庞大联邦债务仍对金融稳定构成严重威胁。 谈到储备黄金这件事,他表示:“那是在量化宽松期间开始实施的。现在也在实施,我们认为没有理由改变它。” Overstock的政策让人想起美国一小群为文明终结做准备的生存主义者,但约翰逊说,他本人并不是什么“末日准备者”(prepper)。 “储备黄金只是Overstock实施的金融应急方案之一,”他说,“如果销售额不及预期的话,我们还有其他应急手段。” 在其位于盐湖城的办公室里接受电话采访时,他把自己描述为一名具有自由意志主义倾向的保守派共和党人。 上月末,他在联合贵金属协会(United Precious Metals Association)发表讲话时,首次披露了Overstock隐藏的宝藏。该协会已在推动让黄金成为犹他州的法定货币。 译者/何黎 |