【英语财经】欧洲央行:欧元区可能继续逐渐复苏 ECB keeps faith in gradual eurozone recovery despite August equities turmoil

双语秀   2016-09-14 16:09   122   0  

2015-10-9 23:40

小艾摘要: The eurozone’s monetary policymakers want more time to decide whether to beef up their ¢1.1tn quantitative easing package, according to official minutes, resisting more aggressive easing in Septembe ...
ECB keeps faith in gradual eurozone recovery despite August equities turmoil
The eurozone’s monetary policymakers want more time to decide whether to beef up their ¢1.1tn quantitative easing package, according to official minutes, resisting more aggressive easing in September because the region’s economic recovery looks strong enough to shake off global market turmoil.

The latest account of the European

Central Bank’s monetary policy discussions during its September policy meeting, published yesterday, showed

officials believed expectations of a

gradual recovery remained “fundamentally unchanged”, despite the China-led

rout in global equities during August.

Immediately after the meeting, Mario Draghi, the central bank’s president, told the press his institution stood ready to provide more monetary easing should a global downturn threaten the currency area’s economy. Mr Draghi’s message raised investor hopes that the ECB would expand its QE package should the volatility in financial markets seen over the summer persist.

Policymakers attending the September discussions acknowledged that recent developments in the global economy, in particular in emerging markets, had raised the threat of a weaker recovery in the region.

However, while there was broad agreement among the 25 members of the central bank’s top-ranking governing council that the environment had become “more challenging” since its mid-July discussions, a gradual recovery was likely to continue. Household and company spending, as well as an uptick in business investment, would support growth.



欧洲央行行长马里奥?德拉吉(Mario Draghi)曾在会后告诉媒体,一旦全球低迷威胁到欧元区的经济,欧洲央行随时准备出台更多放松货币政策的措施。德拉吉的话增加了投资者的希望——一旦今年夏天出现的金融市场波动持续,欧洲央行将扩大其量化宽松计划。



