【英语财经】泛亚金属交易所投资者赴京请愿 Metals scheme investors petition Beijing

双语秀   2016-09-14 16:05   119   0  

2015-9-22 22:37

小艾摘要: Angry Chinese investors who lost money in a metals trading exchange financing scheme gone awry have appealed to Beijing to investigate the matter.Armed with Chinese flags and photos of premier Li Keqi ...
Metals scheme investors petition Beijing
Angry Chinese investors who lost money in a metals trading exchange financing scheme gone awry have appealed to Beijing to investigate the matter.

Armed with Chinese flags and photos of premier Li Keqiang, protesters rallied on Monday in front of the China Securities Regulatory Commission in Beijing. The protesters had earlier registered a petition with 1,000 names to the petitions office, the threshold for bringing a case to the attention of the state council, China’s cabinet

Fanya Metals Exchange, which stockpiled minor metals including indium and bismuth, stopped payouts on high interest rate investment products after it suffered liquidity problems this spring.

The freeze has caused international minor metals prices to slide sharply and led to protests by well-heeled investors in the southwestern city of Kunming and in Shanghai, the country’s financial centre.

The exchange’s liquidity freeze comes as slowing growth raises concerns over the health of financing products that funnel money from individual investors to shadow loans offering higher interest rates.

“We have been filing our complaints locally but it didn’t work out so the only way for us is to come to Beijing to petition the central government,” said Chen Qiaohong, a businessman from Jiangsu who has Rmb5m ($785,000) frozen with the exchange.

Protesters were joined by sales agents from distribution groups that had been hired to sell the exchange’s investment products. Agents said they were told by exchange founder Shan Jiuliang that he could not meet obligations to the distributors, many of whom had invested in the products as well as selling them. Mr Shan did not answer calls to his mobile phone.

“Last week some of the agents met with investors and made clear that they will support the investors,” said an agent surnamed Yuan. She said her agency is one of about 30 distribution groups deployed by Fanya.

On Saturday, hundreds of protesters marched to the Jingan Temple in central Shanghai, one of the wealthiest temples in China. “Not a single government agency has been willing to have a dialogue with us,” said a Shanghai-based investor who declined to be named. “If we can’t count on the government, we can only count on the Buddha.”

Last month, hundreds of investors conducted a citizens’ arrest of Mr Shan after surrounding his hotel at dawn. They handed him over to police in an attempt to force an investigation. He was promptly freed.

While there have been few signs that authorities are willing to investigate the exchange’s metals stockpiling or frozen financial obligations, investors also enjoy a rare degree of tolerance. Only a few unarmed policemen guarded the recent demonstrations, in contrast to the paramilitary units armed with riot shields and clubs that usually greet Chinese protesters.

Additional reporting by Owen Guo



泛亚有色金属交易所(Fanya Metals Exchange)囤积铟和铋等稀有金属,今年春季,在遭遇流动性危机后,该公司已停止兑付其高息投资产品。



来自江苏的商人陈桥宏表示:“我们已在当地起诉,但没有立案,因此唯一的办法是到北京向中央政府请愿。”他有500万元人民币 (合78.5万美元)投资在该交易所冻结。





郭晨(Owen Guo)补充报道

