【英语财经】中国白酒挺进西方市场 Baijiu: the people’s tipple

双语秀   2016-07-22 18:09   125   0  

2016-4-11 19:53

小艾摘要: Traditionally drunk straight, and in great volume, baijiu is China’s national spirit: the country gets through an estimated 10-17 billion litres of the grain-based liquor every year. It is central to ...
Baijiu: the people’s tipple
Traditionally drunk straight, and in great volume, baijiu is China’s national spirit: the country gets through an estimated 10-17 billion litres of the grain-based liquor every year. It is central to Chinese business deals, where the banquet table trumps the boardroom, and ubiquitous at formal dinners. It’s sipped, according to toasting culture, whenever your superior asks. Calls of “Ganbei” — literally, “Dry your glass” — are common and hard to refuse.

Growing up in Beijing, I learnt about the spirit from my investor stepfather’s tales of endless toasting at business banquets — and the terrible hangovers that followed. Once, after an evening with an aviation fuel company, he described the host’s expensive baijiu as “bearing a distinct resemblance to his own products”.

Now China wants to take baijiu global. State-owned producers, boutique brands and large drinks corporations are all interested in the spirit’s export potential. If tequila can do it, so the reasoning goes, why not baijiu?

The push to sell baijiu abroad is part of a transition in the domestic market. Through the boom years, baijiu’s central role in business transactions saw sales surge with the economy. Managers of state-owned enterprises plied each other (and the relevant officials) with increasingly overpriced bottles — and billed it to the company.

But in 2012, President Xi Jinping launched a frugality campaign that banned lavish dinners and gift giving, thus cancelling the state’s de facto subsidy of the industry and bringing soaring profits down to earth. Diversifying sales by moving into untapped western markets suddenly became an increasingly attractive idea.

However, with an industrial bouquet and a throat-choking 40-60 per cent alcohol content, baijiu is reviled by many foreigners who live in China. To popularise it outside of China requires imagination, not to say blind optimism.

Wuliangye, China’s largest baijiu producer by volume, struck upon the novel approach of partnering with a London orchestra. About a year ago Liu Zhongguo, its chairman, signed a five-year sponsorship deal with the Philharmonia Orchestra as a way to “inspire people to enjoy the harmonious balance of drinking fabulous alcohol while listening to world-class classical music”. The £500,000 deal was signed at a Downing Street reception.

Jonathan Kuhles, who manages sponsorship for the Philharmonia, says: “Everyone [at the concerts] is very interested to try it … The longer we work with [Wuliangye], the more you get a taste for [baijiu] in a way you don’t think you will originally.”

Patrons of the Philharmonia who came to hear Chinese piano virtuoso Lang Lang at the Royal Festival Hall in London last November were offered a taste of the spirit, while VIP gift bags reinforced the message. Yet samples at a reception may be insufficient to overcome the problem of differing national palates. One theory among China-dwelling foreigners is that it takes 300 shots to stop disliking baijiu. That’s a lot of concerts.

Wuliangye’s principal production facility is a 10 sq km park in Yibin city, Sichuan, which doubles as a shrine to baijiu’s history and culture. Banners with the slogan “Wuliangye from China to the world” adorn the park. The architecture is a blend of modern, ancient and Soviet styles. The imposing entrance gate consists of two granite blocks topped by a 36m stainless-steel sculpture of the company emblem. Down the main avenue is a research centre comprising two triangular wings that reach into the sky from a central oval shaped like a “Q” (for “quality”). Further along, Tang Dynasty (618-907) poetry is carved into a rock face beside a traditional pagoda. To top it off, there is a 75m building that Guinness World Records recognises as the tallest bottle-shaped building in existence.







中国以销量计最大的白酒生产商五粮液(Wuliangye)偶然想到了一个新颖的推销方式——与伦敦交响乐团合作。大约一年前,五粮液董事长刘中国与英国爱乐乐团(Philharmonia Orchestra)签署了5年赞助合同,以此“激发人们找到品尝优质白酒和聆听世界级古典音乐之间的和谐平衡”。双方在英国政府举办的招待会上签署了这笔50万英镑的协议。

爱乐乐团负责赞助事务的乔纳森?库勒斯(Jonathan Kuhles)表示:“(参加音乐会的)每个人都非常有兴趣尝一尝……与五粮液合作的时间越长,我们就越能品出白酒的味道,而最开始时我们以为自己是品味不出的。”

去年11月,中国钢琴演奏家朗朗在伦敦皇家节日音乐厅(Royal Festival Hall)举办演奏会,五粮液为前来聆听的爱乐乐团听众举办了白酒品鉴会,更以贵宾礼品袋加强宣传。但招待会上的样品恐怕不足以让西方人克服不同民族口味的问题。在中国生活的外国人中间流传着这样一种说法,你得喝掉300杯白酒,才能接受它的味道。照这一理论,那得举办好多场音乐会才行。

五粮液在四川宜宾有一个占地10平方公里的园区,这里既是五粮液的主要生产基地,也是白酒的历史、文化圣地。园区里处处可见写着“中国的五粮液,世界的五粮液”口号的条幅。里面的建筑混合了现代、古典和苏联风格。宏伟的大门由两块花岗岩基座组成,上面架着高达36米、不锈钢铸成的厂徽。顺着主干道一路前行,可以看见一座研究中心,它的两个三角形侧翼直耸云霄,连同中间的椭圆形建筑,组成了一个"Q"型,象征着“质量”。再往前走,一座古代宝塔旁立着块岩石,上面刻着唐代(618-907)诗歌。整个园区最为壮观的就是一座75米高的酒瓶型建筑,它已作为世界最高的瓶形建筑物列入吉尼斯世界纪录(Guinness World Records)。
