【英语财经】中国新宏观经济战略浮出水面 China’s new macro strategy

双语秀   2016-07-22 17:57   146   0  

2016-3-23 22:57

小艾摘要: In the past few years, China’s macro-economic strategy has largely failed to command the confidence of investors in developed markets, despite the fact that the reported performance of the economy ha ...
China’s new macro strategy
In the past few years, China’s macro-economic strategy has largely failed to command the confidence of investors in developed markets, despite the fact that the reported performance of the economy has remained fairly impressive.

Part of the problem has been that there does not seem to have been a coherent, joined-up strategy for maintaining growth while rebalancing the economy towards consumption, and reducing overall debt levels. The policy transparency now taken for granted in the developed economies has not come naturally to the Chinese political system, as Ben Bernanke has pointed out.

China has been trying to improve on this record, in consultation with senior western advisers in some cases. In the past two weeks, there has been evidence of “glasnost with Chinese characteristics” in the economic announcements emerging from the annual meetings of the National People’s Congress.

The overall thrust of Chinese macro strategy now seems to be broadly what is needed, but the intended switch away from “zombie” manufacturing companies towards the new economy will happen only at a moderate pace, consistent with the 6.5-7.0 per cent GDP target, and with no overall rise in unemployment.

With the new strategy in place, the Chinese “landing” does not have to be a hard one, but it is still likely to be a long story, with many twists and turns before it is fully resolved.

The latest policy changes are confronting a deteriorating economic situation since the start of the year. The graph below, taken from Fulcrum’s nowcast models, encapsulates the key features of Chinese growth in the current decade:

The long run growth rate (mainly determined by the supply side of the economy) has slowed from 10 per cent at the start of the decade to only 6 per cent now. Not much can be done about that.

There is also clear evidence of a mini cycle around this trend that has an average duration (from peak to peak) of only about a year. The latest mini cycle seems to have lurched downwards in the past 3 months. The estimated activity growth rate today is around 4.7 per cent, which is lower than at previous troughs of the mini cycle, and the model’s confidence bands now extend downwards to 2 per cent, which would represent a true hard landing.

Yet the markets seem completely untroubled by this development, believing that it will prove temporary, and will be reversed by the latest stimulus from demand management. This optimistic expectation will probably prove accurate, though there will be some nervousness until the nowcast starts to rebound.

Macro policy faces a very difficult challenge. It needs to accelerate the rebalancing of the economy without proceeding so rapidly that a hard landing becomes likely. Ideally, such a strategy would have the following ingredients:

- fairly rapid closure of moribund capacity in the manufacturing sector to reduce deflationary pressures;

- easier monetary policy to assist domestic demand and cushion the property sector;

- easier fiscal policy, directed mainly towards boosting consumption rather than investment;

- a one-off adjustment (of about 10-15 per cent) in the exchange rate to restore confidence in the basket “peg”, thus ending destabilising capital outflows which undermine the necessary easing in domestic monetary conditions;

- a comprehensive programme to recapitalise the banking sector as loan write offs are accelerated, mainly in the area of non performing loans to the state owned enterprises;

- further reforms to broaden price signals in the financial and services sectors, and the labour market.

- In my opinion, these six points should be the benchmark by which the new macro strategy is assessed.

The good news is that the collection of policy announcements made at the NPC contains many of the elements of this package. For several months, the Premier has emphasised that a key priority for 2016 would be the closure of excess capacity in “zombie” state owned enterprises (SOEs), mainly in basic manufacturing.

In the past, the government has not been willing to bite this bullet. The declines in the output of basic industrial sectors in recent months suggest that they are more serious this time but the speed of this adjustment is limited by two factors.

The first is the over-riding need to protect the level of employment in the economy, which is already proving very difficult in some regions. The second is the need to recapitalise the banking sector as bad loans to the SOEs are increasingly recognised. There were indications last week that banks’ balance sheets might be addressed by allowing debt-for-equity swaps, and a sell-off in bank loans at market-determined prices.

As the SOE work-out takes place, the government has now clearly recognised the need to support the economy through easier monetary and fiscal policy if necessary.

On the monetary side, PBOC Governor Zhou said that the policy stance will remain on the looser edge of “prudent”, which is the central setting of the five main categories used by the central bank. The announcement of a 13 per cent target for M2 growth, and a new 13 per cent target for total social financing, suggest that the authorities have now accepted that they cannot bring down overall leverage in the economy at present. In fact, with nominal GDP likely to rise by only about 8-9 per cent this year, the debt/GDP ratio will continue to rise rapidly. No change in the “basket peg” for the exchange rate is likely, which might mean that further squalls will take place in the currency markets.

On the fiscal side, the new budgetary announcements suggest that the overall thrust of policy will be slightly expansionary, though independent fiscal watchers have reached different conclusions on how expansionary it will be in practice.

The table shows J.P. Morgan’s estimates of the various budget categories. The official budget (lines 1 plus 2) shows little change in the policy stance, but there is a consensus among fiscal watchers that quasi-fiscal easing (lines 5 to 7) will increase markedly if needed.

Although the Premier has emphasised that there will be tax reductions to support the household sector (which will make Ben Bernanke happy), it seems inevitable that the main source of fiscal support will come from infrastructure spending, as it has always done in the past. In fact, that is clearly shown in the fixed investment data released so far in 2016.

What is the overall verdict? In many ways, the strategy resembles the SOE work-out that occurred in the late 1990s and early 2000s (well summarised here). That involved many years of hard graft, but it did succeed in the end.


一部分原因是中国似乎缺乏一套连贯、成熟、使保持增长和推动经济再平衡以及降低总体债务水平这三方面工作能够齐头并进的战略。正如本?伯南克(Ben Bernanke)所言,如今在发达经济体中被视为理所当然的政策透明,在中国的政治体制中还没有成为自然而然的事情。






















下表显示出摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)对不同预算类型的估计。官方预算(第一行和第二行)表明政策立场几乎没有改变。但财政观察家的共识是,准财政扩张措施(第5行到第7行)在必要情况下将会明显增加。




注:此文最初发表在FT.com博客专栏中。本文作者是一位宏观经济学家,现为支点资产管理公司(Fulcrum Asset Management)董事长、Prisma Capital Partners联合创始人。
