
双语秀   2016-06-15 18:13   105   0  

2013-8-21 14:28

小艾摘要: Money can't buy you love, but a new study suggests lovemaking can earn you money - and not just if you're employed in the red light district.Employees that have sex more than four times a week receive ...
Money can't buy you love, but a new study suggests lovemaking can earn you money - and not just if you're employed in the red light district.

Employees that have sex more than four times a week receive 5% higher wages, according to an academic paper by Nick Drydakis, a senior lecturer in economics at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England. Conversely, those who don't have any sexual activity earn 3% less in wages than those who are sexually active, the study - published by the Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn, Germany - concluded. Similarly, a Brazilian study published in 2009 found a positive correlation between sexual frequency and wages for Brazilian employees. This may be little more than a correlation, but based on these findings, Drydakis says, 'it seems that sexual activity may be of interest to economists.'

Why the bigger paychecks? Sexually active people may exhibit more attributes that are prized in the workplace, experts say. 'Both sexual activity and higher wages convey a feeling of higher self-esteem and self-confidence, which attracts more sexual partners and more work opportunities,' says Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist in Beverly Hills. 'Put succinctly: Everyone loves a winner.' This also ties in with long-running theories that attractive people earn more money, she says. In fact, so-called beautiful people are likely to earn 3% to 4% more than plainer folk, according to 'Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful,' by Daniel Hamermesh, an economics professor at the University of Texas in Austin.

Another possible explanation for the connection: Those who are more sexually active may simply be in better shape emotionally and physically, which could make them more amiable, productive and creative employees. 'This actually doesn't surprise me, if sexual activity is just one more indicator of general well-being,' says Tina Lowrey, professor of marketing at Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris, a business college in France. Drydakis agrees, adding that increased sexual activity could be a key indicator of good health. 'Medical and psychological literature suggest that sexual activity is associated with good health, endurance, mental well-being, mental capacities and dietary habits,' he says.

One caveat, however: The positive correlation between sex and higher wages could also work both ways. That is, higher wages may encourage some to adopt more sexually active lives, Drydakis says. 'They may increase the value and attractiveness of a person on the dating market.' Some psychotherapists say there's a connection. 'The more success the individual experiences, the higher his libido rises,' says Fran Walfish, a therapist in Beverly Hills. And, she says, less money could also mean less sex. 'I am currently treating two men whose incomes have dramatically decreased because of the poor economy,' she says. 'Both men have reported a significant decrease in their sexual desire and sexual activity.'

英国剑桥的安格利亚鲁斯金大学(Anglia Ruskin University)资深经济学讲师卓达基斯(Nick Drydakis)发表的一篇学术论文说,每周有四次以上性生活的员工获得的薪酬高出5%。研究得出结论说,相反,没有性生活的员工薪水比性生活活跃的员工低3%。这篇论文由德国波恩的研究机构劳动研究所(Institute for the Study of Labor)发表。同样地,2009年发表的一份巴西研究论文也发现性生活频率与巴西职员薪水之间存在正相关的关系。卓达基斯说,这可能仅仅是一种关联,但从这些研究结果看,性生活活跃程度可能是经济学家感兴趣的领域。

薪水更高的原因何在?专家说,性生活活跃的人可能会展现出更多的在职场中被看重的特质。贝弗利山庄(Beverly Hills)精神病学家利伯曼(Carole Lieberman)说,性生活更活跃和更高的薪水都传达出一种更加自尊、更有自信的感觉,这会吸引更多性伴侣和更多的工作机会。简而言之,人人都爱赢家。她说,这种情况也与长期以来的一种理论是一致的,也就是长相好的人赚钱也更多。得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas in Austin)经济学教授哈默梅什(Daniel Hamermesh)在《美貌即财富:为什么貌美的人更成功》(Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful)一书中说,实际上,长得好看的人的薪水可能比长相平平的人高出3%到4%。

另一种对这种关联的解释是,那些性生活更活跃的人可能只是情感状况和身体状况更好,这使他们在工作中更有亲和力、效能更高、更有创造力。巴黎高等商学院(Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris)市场营销学教授劳里(Tina Lowrey)说,这实际上并未让我感到意外,可以说性生活只是另一个衡量总体幸福感的指标。卓达基斯表示认同,他还说,性生活活跃程度增加可能是健康状况良好的一个重要指标。卓达基斯说,医疗和心理学文献指出,性生活活跃程度与良好的健康状况、忍耐力、心理健康和饮食习惯都有关系。

但也有一个警告,性生活与更高的薪水之间的正相关也可能是双向的。卓达基斯说,更高的薪水可能会鼓励一些人进行更多的性生活,这可以提升一个人在约会市场的价值和吸引力。一些心理治疗医师说,是存在这种关系。贝弗利山庄治疗学家沃菲施(Fran Walfish)说,一个人越成功,他的性欲就越旺盛。她还说,薪水减少也可能意味着性生活减少。她说,我目前正在治疗两位男士,因为经济状况不佳,他们的薪水也大幅下降,他们两人都说他们的性欲和性生活数量明显下降。

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