2011-11-11 08:46
Chinese wine collectors are balking at the high price of top Bordeaux wines. Can those same collectors keep pushing prices for Burgundy too?
That's the question stirring among wine circles this weekend, when Acker Merrall & Condit puts nearly 1,300 Burgundy-heavy lots, worth an estimated $12.8 million, on the auction block. Wine auctions in Hong Kong have tended to focus on Bordeaux, which has seen declining prices in recent months. Burgundy, however, is getting more expensive. At an auction last month, Asian collectors snubbed Lafite, but the top four lots were all from Burgundy, including a 12-bottle set of 1988 DRC Romanée-Conti that went for $117,000. 'Burgundy is red hot. I think here, in Hong Kong and China, there are a lot of collectors who are discovering it,' said John Kapon, Acker's chief executive. 'I think Bordeaux has leveled out for a while, and it's taken a step back.' Eight of Burgundy's top producers have flown to Hong Kong to discuss their wines and meet buyers, including Pierre-Henry Gagey, president of Maison Louis Jadot. Mr. Gagey said sales to China and Hong Kong currently make up around 3% of the firm's overall sales. 'Chinese collectors are starting slowly [with Burgundy], but that's fine with us. We're happy it's slow and progressive,' he said. 'We're not like Bordeaux.' The most expensive lot on offer at the sale, which starts Friday, is a 12-bottle case of 1990 Henri Jayer Vosne Romanée Cros Parantoux, estimated to sell for up to $75,000. Others include a 12-bottle case of 1990 Domaine de la Romanée Conti La Tâche, estimated at $60,000, and six bottles of 1978 Domaine Georges Roumier Musigny, estimated to fetch $40,000. The Burgundy wines on offer are part of the collection of Donald Stott, a wine lover who ran the Wall Street firm Wagner Stott Mercator before it was sold in 2001. Jason Chow 中国的葡萄酒收藏者在顶级波尔多葡萄酒的高价前退缩了,这些收藏者能再把勃艮第葡萄酒的价格推起来吗?
Zuma PressAcker Merrall & Condit在10月28日开始的拍卖会上拿出近1300批之多的勃艮第葡萄酒拍卖,价值估计为1,280万美元。不久前在葡萄酒圈子中热议的就是这个问题,当时知名的名酒拍卖行Acker Merrall & Condit在10月28日开始的拍卖会上拿出近1300批之多的勃艮第葡萄酒拍卖,价值估计为1,280万美元。 香港的葡萄酒拍卖向来以波尔多为重点,这个品种的葡萄酒近几个月来价格一直在下跌,而勃艮第葡萄酒却越来越贵。在上个月的一次拍卖会上,亚洲收藏者冷落了属于波尔多葡萄酒的拉菲特(Lafite),但拍卖价最高的四批葡萄酒都来自勃艮第,包括12瓶一箱的1988年产DRC 罗曼尼康帝(Romanée-Conti),拍卖价达117,000美元。 Acker公司的首席执行长约翰•卡彭(John Kapon)说:“勃艮第葡萄酒是大热点,我想在香港和中国内地有许多收藏者正在发现这个热点,波尔多葡萄酒的价格已平稳了一段时间,它的价格已经回落。” 勃艮第葡萄酒的八大顶级酿造商先后飞往香港,商谈葡萄酒销售事宜,并与包括路易亚都世家(Maison Louis Jadot)总经理彼埃尔-亨利•加吉(Pierre-Henry Gagey)在内的买家见面。加吉说,他们的产品在香港和中国内地的销量目前占公司总销量的大约3%。 他说:中国收藏者对勃艮第葡萄酒接受得很慢,但这对我们没有什么,我们喜欢慢慢地渐进。我们不像波尔多那样。 在10月28日的拍卖会商,最昂贵的一批葡萄酒是12瓶一箱的1990年产亨利•贾约尔(Henri Jayer),估计售价可高达75,000美元。其他的拍卖品包括12瓶一箱的1990年产Domaine de la Romanée Conti La Tâche,预计售价为6万美元;6瓶1978年产的Domaine Georges Roumier Musigny,估价为4万美元。 拿出来拍卖的勃艮第葡萄酒是康纳德•斯托特(Donald Stott)的部分收藏,他是一名红酒爱好者,曾经经营华尔街公司Wagner Stott Mercator,在2001年将之转售他人。 Jason Chow (本文版权归道琼斯公司所有,未经许可不得翻译或转载。) |