2012-3-8 12:26
Until recently, going out in New Delhi typically involved walking into a gilded lobby. Besides private parties and wedding receptions, there were few night-time alternatives to the no-flip-flops-allowed bars in five-star hotels.
Today, with more young professionals looking for places to unwind in a city of nearly 17 million, the nightlife options have not only multiplied, they've become more informal. And the change is happening right now: Delhi's nightlife is almost unrecognizable from what it was less than a year ago. 'It looks like it's evolving as we speak,' says Mahesh Mathai, who recently opened a branch of his club blueFROG, a staple of Mumbai nightlife. A major component of the transformation is Hauz Khas Village, a neighborhood in the southern part of the city that is flanked by pockets of forests and caters to a bohemian crowd. After dusk, it transitions from a quaint antique and Bollywood-poster district to Delhi's island of cool. Hardly a week goes by without the opening of a new bar or restaurant in the area. If you get there before dark, meander through Hauz Khas Village's narrow lanes and head to La Boheme. You'll have to climb five flight of stairs before you get to it -- and you will wonder whether you're heading for someone's flat -- but the rooftop bar is worth it. A small thatched hut with white-washed walls, it opens on to a sprawling terrace that overlooks a lake (a deckchair wouldn't feel out of place). There is no better place to enjoy a cold beer as the sun sinks behind the surrounding parkland. A few meters down the road from La Boheme is the Grey Garden, a one-room restaurant and wine bar that's like a cabinet of curiosities (think stopwatches and seashells encased in its tables). Then head to the Living Room. What started off as the owner's 'personal living room' is now one of the area's most popular bar/restaurants. 'A bit more underground, a bit more hidden, a bit more secretive -- that was the direction of the place initially,' says Gautam Aurora, who opened the Living Room a little over three years ago when he moved to Delhi from London. The cocktail menu ranges from Mojitos to its signature Bloody Indian, a variation on a Bloody Mary that uses local favorite Old Monk Rum instead of vodka. If you are craving a burger, the Living Room's lamb-based 'Big'Un' comes close to the real thing. Also in Hauz Khas Village is Out of the Box, which is nestled on the top two floors of an unassuming building just down the road from the Living Room. Its wood-and-rope interiors give the place something of a treehouse vibe. On weekends, guest DJs get patrons on their feet. For deeper-pocketed revelers, the upscale lounges and nightclubs of Mehrauli await. Mehrauli is located farther south of Hauz Khas Village and circles the Qutub Minar, a 12th-century tower that's one of Delhi's oldest surviving monuments. BlueFROG's recent opening put the area on the map. The psychedelically designed nightclub is the place to go for a wide range of live music from international (Nitin Sawhney of Buddha Bar fame recently took the stage) and homegrown acts. The seating area slopes onto the dance floor, which has a stage on one end and a raised DJ booth on the other. Get there before 11 p.m. on weekends to beat the crowds. Another newcomer in the Mehrauli ring is the retro-futuristic lounge Shroom (it looks like something out of 'The Jetsons'). In line with its space-age theme: a deconstructed watermelon Caipiroska that is served in a martini glass and topped with mint-flavored 'air.' And don't be surprised when you discover that the chicken wings are cubed. Circa 1193, a swanky cocktail bar that sprawls over multiple terraces, is an additional dining option in the neighborhood, and has one of the city's best pan-Asian menus. Delhi still loves its bling. For a taste of it, head to the Leela Palace New Delhi in Chanakyapuri, the diplomatic enclave. Although it opened its doors only recently, with its sandstone interiors and lavish chandeliers it embodies old-school Indian luxury. At the bar, inspired by turn-of-the-century gentlemen's clubs, you can try a cigar-smoked mint julep or take your pick from a 25-page menu of bourbon and single-malt scotch -- a big deal in whiskey-loving India. The bar's pride is a 130-year-old bottle of Cognac, its Louis XIII Rare Cask. A shot of it will set you back more than $2,500, which the hotel claims makes it the most expensive drink in the subcontinent. Bartenders say the last order came from a South African king, who ordered seven in October. T.L.R. CafeLiving Room为前来这里的顾客提供了一个吃喝玩乐的休闲空间。
直到最近,在新德里享受夜生活通常的选择就是金碧辉煌的酒店。除了参加私人聚会,出席婚宴,去五星级酒店里那些不准穿人字拖入内的酒吧以外,新德里的夜生活去处寥寥无几。 而如今,在这个人口近1,700万、有更多的年轻职业人士在寻找休闲场所的城市里,夜生活的选择不仅大量增加,方式也变得更加随意了。 当下变化正在发生:新德里的夜生活与不到一年前相比已经几乎完全变样了。blueFROG夜总会的老板马哈希•玛塔伊(Mahesh Mathai)说,“似乎就在我们说句话的功夫,它就变样了。”blueFROG是体验孟买夜生活的必去之地,最近刚开了一家分店。 哈乌斯•卡哈斯村(Hauz Khas Village)在这种变迁中扮演着重要角色。这是位于城南的一片区域,道路两侧有一片片丛林,很合小资一族的口味。夜幕降临后,这个古色古香、有宝莱坞(Bollywood)海报范儿的街区摇身一变,成为新德里的炫酷之地。这里几乎每周都会有新的酒吧或餐馆开张。 Margherita Stancati/Wall Street Journal多年来在正规酒店前止步的新德里人,现在开始寻找更随意的夜生活去处,比如Grey Garden。如果你在天黑前来到哈乌斯•卡哈斯村,不妨沿着狭窄的小巷漫步一番,去La Boheme酒吧坐坐。这家酒吧建在屋顶上,要爬五段楼梯才能到(感觉就像要造访某人的公寓一样),但费这么大力气是值得的。酒吧间设计成了小茅屋的形状,四壁是白粉 ,推开门去,眼前是宽敞的露台,可俯瞰一片湖泊(露台上摆放的帆布躺椅绝无突兀之感)。在这儿一边享用冰啤酒,一边欣赏夕阳慢慢被周围绿地隐没的景象简直是再好不过了。 从La Boheme往前走几步路便是Grey Garden,这里集餐厅和酒吧于一室,很像一个陈列奇珍异宝的柜子(想象一下封在桌子里的秒表和贝壳吧)。 接下来我们去看看Living Room。这儿起初是主人的“私人起居室”,而现在成了这一带最受欢迎的酒吧/餐馆之一。Living Room是高塔姆•奥罗拉(Gautam Aurora)从伦敦搬到印度时开的,到现在已有三年多一点的时间了。奥罗拉说,“这儿有一点隐蔽,有一点神秘,还有一点诡秘──这个地方给人的基本感觉就是这样。”Living Room的鸡尾酒酒单从莫吉托(Mojito)到特色酒品“血腥印度人”(Bloody Indian)应有尽有。“血腥印度人”是在“血腥玛丽”(Bloody Mary)基础上稍加改造调制而成的,用当地最受欢迎的“老僧朗姆酒”(Old Monk Rum)代替伏特加。如果你很想吃汉堡包,不妨尝尝Living Room用羔羊肉烹制的“Big'Un”,做得还挺像那么回事的。 此外,哈乌斯•卡哈斯村的酒吧Out of the Box也值得一提。从Living Room往前走,不远处有座不起眼的楼,最上面两层便是Out of the Box。室内的木头和绳索营造出树屋的氛围。周末,这里的客座DJ会让客人们和着音乐起舞。 口袋里钞票比较多的人可以去麦赫哈里区(Mehrauli)的高档会所和夜总会纵情享受一番。麦赫哈里位于哈乌斯•卡哈斯村往南一些的地方,其中心是加德古塔(Qutub Minar)。加德古塔建于12世纪,是新德里现存最古老的历史遗迹之一。 BlueFROG近期的开张让该地区成了夜生活地标。这家设计颇具迷幻色彩的夜总会里有各种各样的现场音乐演出,登台表演的既有海外音乐人(作品收入“佛之吧”(Buddha Bar)音乐专辑的著名歌手尼廷•索恩尼(Nitin Sawhney)最近在这里登台演出),也有本土音乐人。斜坡状的座席延伸到舞池,舞池一侧是一个舞台,另一侧是升起的DJ棚。要想避免拥挤,就在周末晚上11点之前到那儿吧。 麦赫哈里一带另一家新开的夜生活去处是怀旧未来主义风格的会所Shroom,这儿看起来就像取景自《杰森一家》(The Jetsons)。Shroom的饮品符合其太空时代主题:经过解构的西瓜卡比罗斯卡(Caipiroska)盛在一只马丁尼酒杯里,最上面是薄荷味的“气体”。如果你发现鸡翅是切成小方块形状的,不要觉得吃惊。这个地区另一家值得一去的酒吧是Circa 1193,这家新潮的鸡尾酒吧有好几个露台,拥有新德里数一数二的泛亚洲美食。 新德里依然对珠光宝气情有独锺。想感受一下的话,不妨去使馆区查那加布里(Chanakyapuri)的酒店Leela Palace New Delhi看看。虽然这家酒店是近期新建的,但其内部的砂岩装潢和豪华枝形吊灯都透着印度的旧式奢华。酒店内的酒吧模仿的是十九、二十世纪之交绅士俱乐部的风格,你可以尝一杯雪茄烟熏薄荷茱莉普(cigar-smoked mint julep),或者翻看长达25页的酒单,从波旁威士忌(bourbon)和单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌(single-malt scotch)等诸多酒品中任选一种──在热爱威士忌的印度,这可是件麻烦事。 这家酒吧引以为傲的是一瓶有130年历史的干邑──路易十三Rare Cask。这款酒一小杯要花费2,500美元以上。该酒店称,这是南亚次大陆最昂贵的饮品。据酒吧侍者说,上一次点这款酒的是南部非洲的一位国王,他去年10月份点了七杯。 |