2012-3-1 12:15
A day after Mitt Romney bested his GOP rivals to win two important primaries, he bypassed his opponents and focused his aggression on China instead.
'I like trade. I like being able to sell goods around the world,' Mr. Romney said. 'But now and then people we compete with cheat.' Mr. Romney spoke about the nation losing jobs to China at an American Posts LLC warehouse. The company touts itself as the last American manufacturer of a type of metal post used for fencing and road signs. Its motto: 'Buy a Stake in America.' The former Massachusetts governor lamented that there were once many companies in a similar line of manufacturing. But 'they got pushed out by China,' Mr. Romney said. 'How does that happen? How is it China's been so successful in taking away our jobs? Well let me tell you how: by cheating,' Mr. Romney said, saying the country manipulates its currency to keep prices artificially low and engages in rampant intellectual property theft. 'This president has just sat idly by and watched that happen. Oh he complains, he says he would take them to the mat. But they've walked all over him.' Mr. Romney's dual victories in Michigan and Arizona Tuesday offered him some breathing room to retrain his fire on President Barack Obama and focus his comments on his economic plans. That included a fundraising push as well. The campaign released a web video Wednesday encouraging supporters to donate to the campaign, saying 'The Obama Attack Machine is Ready. We need your help to fight back.' Still, the candidate couldn't resist one swipe at his GOP opponents --without naming them -- saying he's running against a couple of Washington insiders. 'I just don't think we're going to beat Barack Obama and get our country back on track if we have guys whose resume looks like his resume, who've never really run anything, don't understand how the private sector works fundamentally in their bones,' Mr. Romney said. 'I do.' 罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)击败他在共和党内的对手赢得两个关键州的初选之后,他调转方向,暂时忽略对手,将矛头指向了中国。
AP Photo/Gerald Herbert2012年2月29日在俄亥俄州的托莱多,美国共和党总统候选人罗姆尼的支持者用iPad给罗姆尼拍照。罗姆尼说,我喜欢贸易,我希望能在全球销售商品;但有时我们的竞争对手却在玩欺诈。 罗姆尼是在American Posts LLC的一座仓库里谈到美国人因中国失去就业机会的话题的。American Posts宣称自己是全美最后一家生产某种围栏和路标所用金属立柱的企业。 前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼感叹说,在美国,生产类似产品的制造业中曾有过很多家企业,但它们都被中国挤出了市场。 罗姆尼说,这种情况是怎么出现的?中国是如何成功地抢走我们的工作的?让我来告诉你们吧:用欺骗的方式。罗姆尼说,中国操纵人民币,人为压低人民币汇率,肆无忌惮地窃取知识产权。他说,我们的总统只是在袖手旁观,眼睁睁地看着这一切发生;哦对了,他也抱怨过,他说自己会尽一切可能解决这个问题,但中国人不过是在耍他。 周二,罗姆尼拿下了密歇根州和亚利桑那州的初选,这为他提供了一丝喘息的空间,令他得以将火力重新对准奥巴马(Barack Obama),同时将讲话的重点集中到自己的经济计划上来。 此外,他还利用这一机会为竞选募款。周三,罗姆尼的竞选团队发布了一个网络视频,鼓励支持者为罗姆尼的竞选活动捐款。这则视频说道:奥巴马已经做好进攻的准备。要反击,我们需要你的帮助(The Obama Attack Machine is Ready. We need your help to fight back)! 尽管如此,罗姆尼还是没有忘记不点名地批评一下他在共和党内的对手,他说自己是在和华盛顿几位圈内人士一同竞争。 罗姆尼说,在我看来,如果共和党内有候选人的履历同奥巴马一样,且这个人从未真正管理过任何机构,也不是打骨子里明白私营部门到底是如何运作的,那么我们是不可能击败奥巴马并将美国重新拖回正轨的。罗姆尼接着说,我可不一样! |