
双语秀   2016-06-08 22:10   107   0  

2012-2-24 11:12

小艾摘要: This weekend, a group of bona fide geisha gave audiences outside of Japan a rare glimpse into their closed world.“The Geisha of Gion,” presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival, recreated an authenti ...
This weekend, a group of bona fide geisha gave audiences outside of Japan a rare glimpse into their closed world.

“The Geisha of Gion,” presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival, recreated an authentic ochaya (teahouse) experience. Emerging from the banquet rooms of Gion, Kyoto’s famed geisha district, six geisha performed 17th-century ballads, kabuki dances and shamisen (three-stringed Japanese folk instrument) recitals in Hong Kong’s IFC shopping mall and Kowloon’s Nan Lian Garden.

Versed in the classical arts, geisha have been entertaining men in Japan for centuries. Despite being romanticized by popular culture, their numbers are dwindling, though men today continue to seek out their services after work.

Miharu, of the Okatome okiya (boarding house), and Masayo, of the Kanoya okiya, are two of the geisha who performed in the show. Both in their mid-twenties, they spoke to the Journal about smart phones, wearing jeans and the role of geisha in Japanese society today. They preferred to be published as one voice.

The Wall Street Journal: Has the role of geisha evolved over time?

Miharu and Masayo: We are proud of keeping our traditions. As guardians of Japanese culture, we believe that we should remain authentic. We prefer not to evolve, but over the past few decades, our activities have broadened in many aspects. We are not used to working outside of Japan. It was a challenge for us to perform at the HKAF.

How has modern technology such as the Internet, smart phones and social media infiltrated your profession, if at all?

Some teahouses and geisha have their own websites, but maiko [apprentice geisha] are not permitted to use their own mobile phones.

Who are your clients and where do they come from?

They come from all over Japan, and have all kinds of professions. Individuals generally have a broad education and understanding of tradition. We often go on business trips [to accompany clients] to other parts of the country.

What do you talk to your clients about?

Some clients are interested in our daily life and lessons. We read through newspapers to learn all affairs in society, but seldom talk about things other than entertainment.

How long does it take you to get dressed for work, and do you wear casual clothing like jeans and a T-shirt when you’re not working?

With a formal, long kimono, we do white makeup and wear a wig. It takes about one to one-and-a-half hours in total. When we wear an ordinary kimono for work, we go to a hairdresser for one hour. We wear modern clothes on our day off, but because our business mother did not allow us to wear jeans while we were maiko, we seldom wear jeans even now.

What do you like to do on your time off?

We practice dance and shamisen. We go to kabuki performances, and recitals of teachers and colleagues. We like to eat out at cafés and restaurants that are new or being talked about.

What makes a good geisha?

We would say patience, diligence, hospitality, adaptability and musical talent are more important than being pretty.

What is the biggest challenge to your profession in the 21st century?

It is to survive without changing or losing our tradition.

Andre Cooray
Hong Kong Arts Festival日本艺伎

香港艺术节(Hong Kong Arts Festival)上展演的“祗园艺伎”(The Geisha of Gion)创造了一次原汁原味的ochaya(茶室)体验。在香港国际金融中心商场(IFC shopping mall)和九龙南莲园池(Nan Lian Garden),六位来自祗园(京都著名的艺伎区)的艺伎翩然登场,表演17世纪的民歌、歌舞伎舞蹈和三味线(一种三弦的日本民族乐器)。


Hong Kong Arts Festival冈留置屋(Okatome okiya,置屋意为“旅店”)的美晴(Miharu,音)和叶家置屋(Kanoya okiya)的雅代(Masayo,音)是参与了此次演出的两位艺伎。这两位二十多岁的姑娘和《华尔街日报》的记者聊到了智能手机、穿牛仔服和艺伎在现今日本社会中的角色。

















Andre Cooray
