2010-7-14 02:13
Scottish singer Susan Boyle, who shot to fame on a British TV talent show in 2009, is searching for a duet partner to appear on her new album.
"I thought that what I would like more than anything this year is to be able to give something back -- to pass on the gift that I had been given," the 49-year-old said on her website in advance of the announcement on Friday. Her debut album, "I Dreamed a Dream," shot to number one in more than 20 countries, and, with nine million copies sold worldwide, was one of last year's biggest hits. Her follow-up will be called "The Gift." The competition, to be run on her official website www.susanboylemusic.com, will be open from July 9-23, and the winner will be announced on July 26. Boyle has invited entrants to upload videos of themselves singing Christmas carol "Silent Night." "There are a lot of people out there who wouldn't have the confidence or perhaps the means to enter a big competition like 'Britain's Got Talent'," Boyle said of the programme that made her an international star. "So this might be a lot less daunting for some people as they can record the song in the privacy of their own home. I'm hoping that people who have always wanted to sing will give it a try. I wish you all good luck." Boyle's rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical "Les Miserables" in April last year has been downloaded hundreds of millions of times on the YouTube video sharing site. The church volunteer from a small town in Scotland surprised audiences and the judging panel with the power of her voice, and within days the world's media was camping outside her modest home and turning her into a household name. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 2009年从英国一档电视选秀节目中一炮走红的苏格兰歌手苏珊?博伊尔目前正在寻找一位搭档,与她在新专辑中合唱。
这位49岁的歌手于上周五在宣布这一消息前在她的个人网站上说:“我想我今年最想做的事情就是回报——把我所得到的东西赠与别人。” 苏珊的首张专辑《我曾有梦》横扫20多个国家的音乐排行榜,全球销量达九百万张,是去年最热销的唱片之一。 她的下一张专辑将被命名为《礼物》。 合唱歌手选拔比赛于7月9日在苏珊的官方网站www.susanboylemusic.com拉开序幕,活动截止日期为7月23日,最终获胜者名单将于7月26日公布。 参赛者需将他们自己演唱的圣诞颂歌《平安夜》的视频上传至活动网站。 博伊尔在谈及让其走红全球的《英国达人》电视选秀节目时说:“还有很多人没有信心或不知道通过什么样的途径去参加《英国达人》这样的大型选秀节目。” “所以这种比赛形式对于有些人来说可能要轻松很多,因为他们可以自己在家里录歌。我希望那些一直想唱歌的人能来尝试一下。祝大家好运。” 博伊尔所演唱的音乐剧《悲惨世界》中的歌曲《我曾有梦》在YouTube视频分享网站上被下载了上亿次。 这位来自苏格兰小镇的教堂志愿者用她的声音震撼了听众和评委会,短短数日内世界各地的媒体就开始在她简陋的家门外安营扎寨等待采访,苏珊也因此成为家喻户晓的人物。 相关阅读 台湾版苏珊·博伊尔“小胖”走红网络 苏珊大妈为海地献声 寓所遭陌生人私闯 《人物》最具看点明星出炉 斯威夫特、苏珊大妈上榜 英选秀明星苏珊大妈首张专辑大卖 苏珊大妈将在美国独立日为奥巴马献唱 苏珊大妈做客奥普拉脱口秀 谈成名之路 (小艾网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑蔡姗姗) |