
双语秀   2016-06-08 22:05   115   0  

2011-6-15 23:36

小艾摘要: Email is an essential pillar of communication in today's workplace but not everyone knows how to use it well.Since emails are not as formal as letters, experts say that many employees don't pay attent ...
Email is an essential pillar of communication in today's workplace but not everyone knows how to use it well.

Since emails are not as formal as letters, experts say that many employees don't pay attention to the tone and composition of work-related email. But that can hurt professional credibility.

Your emails make an impression on your managers, colleagues, clients, and on possible recruiters. Sloppy emails may show that you are not disciplined and risk causing misunderstanding among colleagues. A poorly-written email along with a job application can damage your chances of landing the job.
So, next time you write an email, here are some rules of thumb to keep in mind:

1. Writing style: 'Most youngsters tend to bring the informality of SMS into emails,' says Venkataramana B., chief people officer of the India unit of retail firm Landmark Group. That's a no-no for work emails.

Follow the rules of grammar and punctuation when composing your email. Avoid slang, acronyms and short forms like 'u' instead of 'you'.

Don't send emails without a spell check. Avoid exclamation marks, as that may seem immature. Avoid writing in capital letters, since in writing this can be interpreted as the equivalent of shouting.

Ideally keep emoticons like ':)' out of official emails. 'There are other avenues like Facebook and Twitter for these things,' says Prashant Deo Singh, head of human resources at Panasonic India Pvt.

You can always use your personal email for casual messages, says Runa Maitra, director of human resources at OSC Export Services Pvt., a provider of information technology and management services.

2. Composition: Given the flood of email we get daily, it's best to keep your emails short and to-the-point. Don't write 'sentences that tend to be never-ending' says Mr. Venkataramana. If you have to make a number of points, use bullets to cover all your points briefly.

If you are replying to a thread of email, consider deleting the older text in the body of your email, or summarizing it in a few lines.

It's a good idea to add a signature at the end of your email, which includes your phone number and other contact details. This would be particularly useful for emails sent to clients or recruiters, or other people outside your organization.

3. Subject line: The lack of a subject line or a vague subject like 'Hello' or 'I have a question' can be annoying to busy people. They also make it harder for the receiver to search for your email in their inbox.

Be specific in your subject line and mention if the matter is urgent. Instead of saying 'I have a question', say 'My holiday plans; not urgent'.

At the same time, don't make the subject line too long or detailed.

Also, don't start discussing a new topic under the same subject line. This also makes it difficult to identify mails about specific queries. It's best to send separate emails for separate topics.

4. Get the name right: Email recipients can get angry if the body of your email has the wrong spelling of their name or, even worse, if you address the person as 'Mr.' when it should really be 'Ms.' Always double-check spellings and titles before sending your email. If you are not sure whether the recipient is male or female, either use the person's first name or the full name.

5. Caution on 'Reply All': This is a tricky button on our email box because if used without care, it can be a source of much embarrassment.

One of the most common problems â ' you may not realize that your message has gone to people who should not be reading it.

Imagine hitting Reply to All in a group message when you wanted to joke around with someone in particular or complain about your boss to a colleague. It happens even to people who've been using email for years.

Also, sometimes employees use the Reply to All option because 'they want to show to others that they are doing some work,' says Mr. Singh. 'People mark copies to humanity,' he says, but that simply overloads the inbox of recipients and can be annoying.

Use Reply to All infrequently and after careful thought.

6. Before hitting 'Send': Emails can be easily forwarded and thus be read by more people than you think. So re-read your emails carefully before sending it, to make sure that it is not offensive and that it doesn't say anything that could get you into trouble.

Emails are not a place for emotional outburst. Don't be in a rush to send angry emails, as they might come back to haunt you later. If you need to respond to an offensive email, carefully 'draft the mail, read through it, and press the send button only after (you have) calmed down,' suggests Mr. Venkataramana. In general, it's best to avoid this kind of emails.

7. Time frame: How quickly you need to reply to an email typically depends on the nature of the email. In general, you should reply immediately. If you know you don't have an immediate answer to a particular query, reply to acknowledge the email and give the person a time frame of when you think you'll be able to respond.

'Ideally you should reply within 24 hours,' says Snehal Mantri, director of marketing at real estate firm Mantri Developers Pvt.

8.Calling After Email: It might be tempting to call up the person you just emailed, but desist. It can be annoying for the recipient.

Give the person some hours or even a day to think and respond, no matter how eager you may be for the reply. If it's urgent, mention that in the subject.

If anything â ' if it is an important matter â ' call the person first alerting them to the email.

9. Attachments: In general, avoid sending large files as attachments since they clog up the recipient's inbox. If the recipient is close to filling up his or her inbox capacity, your large files may even get deleted. If you are sending pictures, resize them to a smaller resolution. If you absolutely have to send a large file, call the recipient to check first.

10. When not to send email: Don't send emails for every little thing and especially not for something that can be tackled easily over the phone or in person. 'Emails are there to save your time, not waste it,' says Mr. Singh of Panasonic.

Avoid putting sensitive or confidential information in emails because you never know who ends up reading them. Finally, be careful about forwarding messages, especially jokes that can be offensive or misconstrued.

Getty Imagess在发送邮件之前一定要深思熟虑。专家表示,由于电子邮件不像书信那么正式,因此很多员工并不太在意工作邮件的语气和行文,而这么做会有损个人的职业诚信度。



1. 写作风格:国际零售巨头蓝玛克集团(Landmark Group)印度公司的人力资源主管温卡塔拉马纳(Venkataramana B.)表示,“大多数年轻人往往会把手机短信中的一些非正式用语用到电子邮件当中。”这可是工作邮件的大忌。



在正式的邮件中最好不要使用“:)”等表情符号。松下电器(Panasonic)印度有限公司人力资源主管普拉山特•迪奥•辛格(Prashant Deo Singh)表示,“这些符号可以用在‘脸谱’(Facebook)和‘推特’(Twitter)当中。”

信息技术和管理服务公司OSC Export Services Pvt的人力资源主管露娜•梅特拉(Runa Maitra)说,一些非正式的信息可以通过私人邮件来传递。

2. 行文方式:由于我们每天都会收到大量的邮件,所有要尽量让你的邮件篇幅短小、重点突出。温卡塔拉马纳说,不要写那些“看上去永远不会结尾的句子”。如果你必须要在邮件中包含多个要点,可以使用着重号把所有的要点简明扼要地标注出来。



3. 主题:缺少主题或者像“你好”或“我有一个问题”等模糊不清的主题会让忙碌的收件人觉得厌烦。而且,这也会让收件人在收件箱里查找你的邮件变得更困难。




4. 写对对方的称谓:如果你在邮件的正文中把收件人的姓名拼写错误,或者更糟糕地把一位女士称为“先生”,那么很可能会惹恼对方。在邮件发送之前,切记要反复检查收件人姓名和职务的拼写正确无误。如果你不确定收件人是男是女,那么就可以光使用他/她的名字,或者使用其全名。

5. 慎用“全部回复”:点击这个键时一定要非常慎重,因为如果使用不当会带来很多尴尬。





6. “发送”之前请确认:电子邮件转发起来很容易,因此很可能最终会有你意想不到的人读到你的邮件。在发送之前要反复认真地阅读你写的邮件,确保它不会冒犯到别人,而且不要在邮件中写一些可能给你带来麻烦的话。


7. 及时回复:回复一封邮件的迅速程度通常取决于邮件的性质。一般情况下,你应该立即回复。如果你无法立即回答一个特定的问题,那么就应该回信表示你已经收到了邮件,然后告诉对方一个你预计能够做出回复的时限。

房地产公司Mantri Developers Pvt的销售主管斯耐哈•曼特里(Snehal Mantri)说,“理想的话,你应该在24小时内做出回复。”

8. 邮件发送后忌打电话:你可能想要给刚刚发出那封邮件的收件人打个电话,但是最好是打消这个念头。这么做可能会让收件人感到厌烦。



9. 附件:通常要避免把大文件作为附件来发送,因为它们会把收件人的邮箱塞满。如果收件人邮箱中的内容已经接近于其总容量,那么你的大文件甚至可能会被删除掉。如果你是发送图片,就要把它们调整到较小的解析度。如果你一定需要发送大文件的话,可以先打电话给收件人让他检查一下邮箱。

10. 何时不宜发邮件:不要因为每一件琐事、特别是在电话里或者当面就能轻易说清楚的事发送邮件。松下电器的辛格说,“使用电子邮件的目的是为你节省时间,而不是浪费时间。”
