2010-7-8 23:52
The American Institute of Architects - never a group to remain silent in the face of structures that it deems unattractive - has released an index of the ugliest buildings in New York City, part of the local chapter's annual guide to the city's architecture. And guess who is ugliest this year? Hint: it's the new headquarters of daily broadsheet newspaper.
Elsewhere in the new list are not one but two Donald Trump towers, a light blue T.G.I. Friday's restaurant on Fifth Avenue, a training center for unionized iron workers, a drab Bronx apartment building and the former headquarters of the defunct Bear Stearns. Photos of all ten structures have been compiled in a slideshow by the Daily News, who first reported the ugly news. Flickr user sjsharktank这是纽约最丑陋的建筑吗?看到自己认为不好看的建筑,美国建筑师学会(American Institute of Architects)总是拍案而起。它在针对纽约建筑的年度指南中,发布了一个该市最丑建筑名单。猜猜今年最难看的建筑是哪幢?给点提示:一家严肃日报的新总部(编者注:此处指《纽约时报》)。
入围这个新名单的其他建筑包括:两幢(不是一幢)特朗普(Donald Trump)大楼,T.G.I. Friday在第五大道的一座浅蓝色餐馆,一处为工会钢铁工人服务的培训中心,布朗克斯区一幢乏味的公寓楼,以及破产企业贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)过去的总部。 首先报道这条新闻的《Daily News》把所有10座建筑编进了一个幻灯片,点此查看。 |