2011-10-19 12:59
Alarmed by recent discoveries of radioactive 'hot spots' in Tokyo and other areas far from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Japan will soon issue guidelines to help citizens and local officials detect contaminated areas and clean them safely, a minister said.
'From now on, we must offer equipment and ask people to look well beyond Fukushima to find hot spots,' Masaharu Nakagawa, minister of education and science, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. He added it was unclear how widely such spots have spread. Mr. Nakagawa said the decision to offer such assistance was made after radioactive material was detected in places such as Yokohama and Kawasaki -- two cities just south of Tokyo, and about 150 miles from the stricken plant. Surprising discoveries in recent weeks of radioactive material in the Tokyo metropolitan area has stoked fears among many Japanese that danger may be lurking in their backyards. Many residents, particularly parents of young children, have begun to take matters into their own hands by using radiation monitors, available at some electronics stores, to check for contamination in their neighborhoods. The guidelines, to be unveiled 'within the next day or two,' will include tips on where to find hot spots and how to decontaminate them once found, Mr. Nakagawa said. On Wednesday, in a residential area of Tokyo's Adachi ward, a high level of radioactivity was found in a drain attached to an outdoor swimming pool at an elementary school. The reading there registered 3.99 microsieverts per hour, nearly 20 times the level the government sees as permissible for school grounds, the ward said in a news release. 日本一位大臣说,由于最近在远离福岛第一核电站的东京等地发现放射性“热点”,日本政府高度警惕,将很快发布指引帮助民众和地方官员发现受污染区域并安全进行清理。
文部科学省大臣中川正春(Masaharu Nakagawa)在接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,从今以后,我们必须提供设备,派人在远离福岛的地方寻找热点。他还说,此类热点的分布有多广泛目前尚不清楚。 Getty Images9月13日,一位居住在福岛核电站周围禁止区附近的男子接受核辐射检测扫描。中川正春说,发布指引的决定是在横滨、川崎等地检测到放射性物质之后做出的。横口和川崎在东京以南,距离福岛第一核电站约150英里(约合241公里)。 由于近几周在东京都市圈意外发现放射性物质,很多日本人担心自家后院可能就潜藏着危险。 很多居民,特别是年纪尚小的孩子的家长,已经开始亲自使用辐射监测仪来检测自己所在的社区是否已经受到污染。这些仪器在一些电子产品商店就可以买到。中川正春说,日本政府的指引将在未来一到两天发布,其中将涵盖去哪里寻找热点、发现热点后如何进行清理等内容。 周三,东京居民区“足立区”一条排水沟发现高强度放射性。这条排水沟跟一所小学的户外游泳池相连。 足立区在新闻稿中称,排水沟中测得放射性强度为每小时3.99微希,几乎是政府为中小学校园设定的容许标准的20倍。 |