2010-7-1 01:56
It always seems to happen so quickly with Brazil.
One minute a team is feeling good about itself, holding its own against the world's lone soccer superpower. The next it's watching a bunch of guys in yellow shirts pile on top of one another in celebration after making them look like children on yet another goal. That's the way it went for the North Koreans and Ivory Coast in group play. Monday night at Ellis Park, it was Chile's turn to feel Brazil's lightning-quick wrath. La Roja fell 3-0 to world's best team in a game that for the first half-hour looked like it just might be much closer. Marcelo Bielsa, the visionary Argentine who heads the Chilean side, is one of the game's true rocket scientists. He's the intense, bespectacled sort with heavy bags under his eyes who always looks like he has spent the past 48 hours cramming for his final exams. Let Dunga, the Brazilian legend, or German coach Joachim Low saunter the sidelines coolly in their casual designer duds. Mr. Bielsa, soccer's version of Jeff Van Gundy in his Knicks days, stalks the coaching box, pounding his thighs in his sweat suits and sneakers, his shirt tail hanging out the back of his zip-up, as he urges his troops to carry out the plans he has cooked up during endless hours of video research. For more than 30 minutes Monday night, the Chileans stopped the Brazilians dead in their tracks, executing Mr. Bielsa's design of two, three-man lines of defense to perfection. Yet all it took was 180 seconds for those plans to disintegrate. On a perfect corner kick in the 35th minute, an unmarked Juan, charging from the back line, out-jumped everyone and headed the ball into the goal. In the 38th minute, a charging Kaka tapped a pass through the defense to Luis Fabiano, who made a quick feint around the goalkeeper. The ballet was on. Coming into this tournament, the chatter was that Dunga had decided the Brazilians needed to be taken out of their samba soccer ways with a tougher, modern game that didn't need to look so pretty. If that's true, his players aren't listening. 与巴西队踢足球,事情似乎总是发生得太快。
Reuters南非世界杯八分之一决赛中,巴西队员法比亚诺过掉智利守门员射门得分。当一支球队与在足球领域长期占据超级大国地位的巴西队交手时,一分钟前它还可能自我感觉良好,觉得能够顶住巴西队的攻势,可转眼间巴西队又进一球,让他们觉得自己像无力的小孩子,只能看着身穿黄色球衫的巴西球员们堆叠在一起庆祝了。 这就是朝鲜队和科特迪瓦队在南非世界杯小组赛中的遭遇。周一晚间在约翰内斯堡Ellis Park体育场,轮到智利队来领教巴西队迅雷不及掩耳的打击了。智利队在比赛中以0比3完败给堪称世界最佳的巴西队,而从开赛后头半个小时的场上形势看,对阵双方的最终进球数似乎会很接近。 担任智利队主教练的阿根廷人别尔萨(Marcelo Bielsa)在比赛现场给人一种莫测高深的样子,他眼圈深黑,眼袋明显,看上去总像是有48小时没睡一直准备比赛来着。 Reuters智利队员比达尔铲倒巴西队员阿尔维斯。他可不会像巴西队传奇教练邓加(Dunga)或德国队主教练勒夫(Joachim Low)那样,比赛时只是穿着休闲服在场边冷静地漫步。他就像范甘迪(Jeff Van Gundy)执教纽约尼克斯(Knicks)男篮时一样,穿着运动服和球鞋在教练席前昂首阔步,不时拍着大腿。在别尔萨催促场上球员执行他彻夜看录像制定出的作战计划时,衬衫下摆从他运动服的后身处露了出来。 在周一对巴西那场比赛的前半个多小时,智利队把巴西人防得死死的,他们把别尔萨制定的防守战略执行到了极至。但仅仅三分钟时间,这些防守计划就土崩瓦解了。比赛进行到第35分钟时,巴西队开出完美角球,司值后卫的胡安(Juan)在未引人注意的情况下以一记头球洞穿了智利队的球门。在比赛的第38分钟,巴西队卡卡(Kaka)绕过对方后卫将球传给法比亚诺(Luis Fabiano),后者晃过守门员迅速将球射进球门。 据传,巴西队主教练邓加赛前曾决定,在对阵智利的这场比赛中巴西球员应该收起他们的桑巴舞式球风,代之以更凶悍的现代式踢法。如果这是真的,看来巴西队球员们并没听他的话。 |