
双语秀   2016-06-07 17:48   106   0  

2010-6-16 01:42

小艾摘要: Researchers reported notable advances in the war on cancer over the weekend, including treatments for lung, ovarian and skin cancers, but they cautioned that the disease continues to throw up daunting ...
Researchers reported notable advances in the war on cancer over the weekend, including treatments for lung, ovarian and skin cancers, but they cautioned that the disease continues to throw up daunting obstacles of cost and complexity.

New data presented at a major cancer conference provided both practice-changing information on the use of current treatments and powerful evidence of the potential for so-called targeted therapies, which attack cancer via genetic targets and other vulnerabilities.

The latest advances, however, typically involve expensive drugs that will require difficult choices by doctors, patients and insurers amid growing concern over health-care costs.

They also underscore the growing realization that cancer is not a single disease or even a single disease within each location in the body -- say, breast, brain or lung. The more scientists know about genes, proteins and pathways that drive cancer, the more complex a disease it becomes.

'Cancer is like cable television,' says George Sledge, a breast-cancer expert at Indiana University and newly elected president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, which hosted the cancer meeting. 'Thirty years ago you had three channels. Now you have 500.'

The challenge for cancer researchers increasingly is to match the right drug with the right channel.

Sometimes that means going after a tumor directly, aided by genetic anomalies that make a tumor resistant to treatment in one patient but sensitive to it in another.

In one tantalizing example at the meeting, researchers said a drug being developed by Pfizer Inc., called crizotinib, caused tumors to shrink or stabilize in 90% of 82 lung-cancer patients specially recruited for the study because they had an alteration in a gene known as ALK.

Tumors shrank more than 30% in 57% of the patients. While there wasn't a control arm in the study, researchers said the participants had undergone several previous treatments. Normally just 10% of such patients not screened for this genetic anomaly would have been expected to register a response to the treatment.

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among men and women, but only a 4% of the 220,000 Americans diagnosed with the disease each year have the genetic anomaly -- or roughly 10,000 patients.

That significantly reduces the size of the potential lung-cancer market for the study, but it is larger than many other cancers.

Pfizer has already begun a larger study of the drug focusing on those patients to determine whether the drug will help prolong survival.

In another study, Roche Holding AG's drug Avastin, which works by starving tumors of their blood supply, extended the time women with ovarian cancer survived without progression of disease by four months when continued for up to 48 weeks after a regimen that included Avastin and chemotherapy together.

Another advance came in a study of a drug called ipilimumab, being developed by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., that works not by attacking the tumor but by activating the body's immune system to go after the cancer.

In a study of 676 patients with an advanced stage of the deadly skin cancer melanoma, patients taking the medicine lived an average of 10 months compared with 6.5 months for those taking a cancer vaccine called gp100.


Associated Press洛杉矶伊丽莎白癌症检查中心的放射科医生在看病人的X光照片然而,这些最新的治疗手段通常都会使用到价格昂贵的药品。在外界对医疗费用高企的担忧情绪日盛的情况下,这让医生、患者和保险公司都面临两难选择。


“癌症就像是有线电视,”印第安那大学(Indiana University)乳腺癌专家、美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology)新当选的会长斯莱奇(George Sledge)说,“30年前你能看到三个频道,现在你能看到500个频道”。这次癌症大会是由美国临床肿瘤学会主办的。



研究人员在大会上举例说,辉瑞公司(Pfizer Inc.)研制出一种名为“crizotinib”的药物,它能让肿瘤在经过筛选的82名肺癌病人中90%的患者体内缩小或者稳定下来。这些为该研究特别筛选出来的病人体内有一种名为ALK的基因出现了突变。





在另外一项研究中,罗氏公司(Roche Holding AG)的药物Avastin能让患卵巢癌女性的生存期延长四个月,而且在此期间内还能够阻止癌症扩散,而前提是连续接受一年的包括服用Avastin和化疗在内的治疗。

另一个研究进展是来自于一种名为“ipilimumab”的药物。该药物由百时美施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.)开发。它不是通过攻击肿瘤、而是通过激活人体免疫系统对抗癌症来起效。


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