2010-6-7 22:56
Li Yuan
In a Chinese society that prizes modesty, Xu Jinglei, a successful actress, director and blogger, is not shy about trumpeting her victories″or her natural talents. 'I'm pretty…smart…curious…a fast learner,' she says matter-of-factly, sitting in her bare office near Beijing's Chaoyang Park, decorated only with a few posters advertising her latest movie. Then, she adds with a laugh, 'Chinese are not used to bragging about themselves. But I'm 36. I don't want to pretend otherwise.' Ms. Xu has every reason to be proud of her accomplishments since she first came into the public eye as a 20-year-old acting student playing a policewoman who falls in love with a gangster in a popular TV drama series. But this Beijing native is far from vain. She has a way of connecting with ordinary people by coming across as being as normal as they are. Her blog, which has attracted more than 286 million page views since late 2005, is full of mundane details of her daily life, such as her insomnia, her cats, her diet (She has a healthy appetite for an actress.) and photos that show her with little make-up and wearing casual clothes. Her writing style, while loose, has an endearing quality of candidness, as if to say, 'Look, here's my life, and it's no different from yours. And I love it!' She knows how to capitalize on that perception and her influence commercially while not trying to glorify it. She started a monthly digital magazine called Kaila, meaning 'opened' or 'started,' in April 2007 when she was the top blogger in China. The magazine, focusing on youth lifestyle, has average monthly page views of 10 million, and she's started selling jewelry under the Kaila brand since April. Ms. Xu says she founded the magazine to fulfill a childhood dream, as well as to cultivate relationships with advertisers that might also be interested in her film projects. Her magazine and production companies now employ about two dozen people, mostly in their 20s. A couple of advertisers in her magazine, such as Lenovo computers, appeared in her latest movie, 'Go Lala Go!' It's a drama about a young woman, Lala, and her office romances that has a flavor of 'Sex and the City' and 'Cashmere Mafia.' Because of product placements, which include Mazda cars and Lipton tea, investors in the movie got back two thirds of their 20 million yuan ($2.9 million) investment even before its release. The movie went on to become a blockbuster, by Chinese standards, taking in more than 100 million yuan at the box office, and making Ms. Xu the most commercially successful female director in China. She took some criticism from the media for the product placements in the movie, which she co-wrote and directed and in which she played the leading role (although she wasn't an investor). One online commentator wrote caustically that 'the audience didn't buy a ticket to watch commercials.' The article was picked up by the website of the People's Daily and several major online portals. But she's not apologetic. She says it's a commercial reality that everybody in China's film industry has to face. Investing in films is a risky business in China, she says, because there aren't as many cinemas as in the U.S., audience sizes remain relatively small and copyright isn't effectively protected. 'I'm a creative person who keeps investors in mind,' she says. 'Whatever I do, first it has to be interesting to me. But it also has to be commercially viable. Otherwise, I won't do it.' Ever the pragmatist, Ms. Xu is keenly aware of risks in the content business in China. In her blog, she seldom touches upon politics or sensitive social issues, unlike China's most influential blogger, Han Han, who is a social critic and was once rumored to be her boyfriend. (He appeared on the cover of her magazine in May.) The launch of Mr. Han's own magazine has been postponed for more than six months for reasons unclear. Ms. Xu was also rumored to have dated the satirical novelist Wang Shuo. She laid out five rules for her blog in 2008″never use people's real names; no critical comments of others; share happiness, not worries; no talk about politics and current affairs (so that her family won't have to worry about her). But if there's something she really needs to get out of her system, the fifth rule says, 'For the benefit of both body and heart, it's best to spill it out and bear the consequence.' Now she updates her blog rarely, sometimes not even once a month, which was the case in May. But Sina.com still lists her as the second most popular blogger after Mr. Han, and when she writes, mostly to promote her film and magazine, the posts command heavy online traffic. Her two-paragraph blog on April 16 got nearly 373,000 hits and over 4,400 comments. What it says is very simple: it was her birthday and everybody please go to see 'Go Lala Go!' But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism, she has her principles. Ms. Xu refuses to run ads on her blog even though it's the most influential medium among the three she's involved in. 'That would make it too commercial,' she says. She writes for fun. Besides, unlike her magazine and films, there's no cost involved (except herself) so there's no need to make money out of it, she says. As for the blog de mode, sina.com's Twitter-like service, Ms. Xu isn't interested. She's too busy with movie projects. 'I won't do things because of expectations of others,' she says. 'I do things because I want to do them. That's the only reason I can do things well.' 袁莉
在崇尚谦逊的中国社会,身为成功演员、导演和博客作者的徐静蕾,并不羞于鼓吹自己的成功和天赋。 她坐在北京朝阳公园附近一间略显简陋的办公室里(也在很多访谈节目里)说:我漂亮……聪明……有好奇心……学东西快。这间办公室只贴着一两张《杜拉拉升职记》的电影海报,在采访她时这部电影刚刚上映。夸完自己徐静蕾会笑起来。她说:“中国人不习惯这么自大,但我都36岁了,我不能老天天地夹着尾巴,明明是这么想的还不这么说。” 徐静蕾完全有理由为她的成就感到骄傲,她20多岁时就走入了公众的视野,当时还是表演专业学生的徐静蕾在一部热播电视连续剧《一场风花雪月的事》中扮演了一名女警察,这个角色与一个黑帮人物坠入了爱河。 但在北京长大的徐静蕾绝不是个自负的人。她很会通过自己的博客与普通人沟通,博客里的她看起来跟普通人没什么两样。自从2005年末推出以来,她的博客累计点击量已经超过2.86亿,博客多是有关她日常生活的琐碎细节,比如失眠、她的猫们,她的饮食 (对于一个女演员来说她的胃口不错),以及她穿着随意、不施什么脂粉的照片。她的写作风格虽然随意,却有一种惹人喜爱的直率,好像是在跟读者说:看,这就是我的生活,和你们的生活没什么不同。我喜欢我的生活! 徐静蕾懂得如何利用自己的知名度和影响力进行商业运作,她并不对此遮遮掩掩或是加以粉饰。2007年4月,在她占据中国最知名的博客作者位置时,她创办了一份名叫《开啦》的电子杂志。这份杂志专注于青年人的生活方式,月平均点击量达到1,000万次,今年4月以来徐静蕾开始出售“开啦”品牌的饰品。 徐静蕾说,她创办这份杂志是为了圆儿时的一个梦,也是为了接触到广告客户,其中一些有可能也对投资她的电影项目感兴趣。徐静蕾的杂志和影视制作公司现在共雇了20多人,其中大多是20多岁的年轻人。 联想等在她杂志上登过广告的公司果然出现在了徐静蕾的最新影片《杜拉拉升职记》中。这是一部关于年轻女孩杜拉拉和她办公室爱情故事的电影,片子有《欲望城市》(Sex and the City)和《欲望女人帮》(Cashmere Mafia)的影子。徐静蕾是这部影片的编剧之一,她还是该片的导演和主演 (但不是投资人)。由于影片中安排了马自达汽车和立顿红茶等产品的植入式广告,该片的2,000万元投资甚至在影片上映前就收回了三分之二。《杜拉拉升职记》的票房收入超过了一亿元,按中国的标准衡量很可观。这也使徐静蕾成了中国商业上最成功的女导演。 她因影片中的植入式广告而受到了媒体的一些批评。一位网络评论员写道:观众买票进影院是看电影而不是看广告,你是否考虑过消费者的合法权益这个问题?这篇评论文章被人民网和中国几家主要门户网站转载。但徐静蕾并不认为这有什么错。她说,这是一个中国电影业人士都必须面对的商业现实,投资拍电影在中国是一项高风险生意,因为中国的影院没有美国那么多,电影观众规模依然相对不大,电影版权没有得到有效保护。徐静蕾说:“我是个非常考虑投资人利益的创作者。...无论我做什么,首先要有意思,然后要商业上可行,我不会做不可行的事。” 作为一名实用主义者,徐静蕾也深知在中国从事内容业务的风险。 ZUMApress.com
徐静蕾4月7日在北京出席电影《杜拉拉升职记》的首映记者会 她2008年为自己的博客定下了五条原则:尽量不提别人的名字;尽量克制自己的刻薄;尽量报喜不报忧;尽量不谈政治,不论时事,让家人放心。但第五条原则是:“实在想说的话,也别太憋着,一方面对身心有益。但是后果自负。” 徐静蕾现在每月更新自己的博客只有有限的几次,有时甚至一个月也不更新一次,今年5月就是这样。新浪网仍然将徐静蕾列为受欢迎度仅次于韩寒的博客作者,当她更新时,新写的博客总会吸引大量浏览量。她现在的博客主要是为了宣传她的电影和杂志。她在4月16日发表的那篇只有两段文字的博客文章得到了近37.3万的点击量,4,400条读者评论。这篇博文的内容非常简单:那天是她的生日,请大家都去看《杜拉拉升职记》;影片那个周末上映,票房收入非常不错。 但在商业主义和实用主义的外表下,徐静蕾做事有她的原则和底线。她拒绝在自己的博客上登广告,尽管博客是她所涉猎的三个媒介中最有影响力的一个。徐静蕾说,那会让博客太商业化了,自己写博客是出于兴趣。与杂志和电影不同,写博客没有成本 (除了她个人这个成本),所以也不需要从博客上挣钱。 说到在新浪网上开微博,徐静蕾表示她没兴趣这么做,她目前把注意力主要放在电影上了。她说:“我不希望别人的期待变成我的压力,最重要的是自己想做什么,有这种动力才是你可能做好一件事情的原因。” |