【英语生活】戈尔与发妻分手 单身生活前景难料?

双语秀   2016-06-07 17:43   117   0  

2010-6-2 21:41

小艾摘要: The news that Al and Tipper Gore have decided to separate struck Speakeasy as something more significant than the usual celebrity parting of ways. Famous couples break up all the the time, from Ted Tu ...
The news that Al and Tipper Gore have decided to separate struck Speakeasy as something more significant than the usual celebrity parting of ways. Famous couples break up all the the time, from Ted Turner and Jane Fonda to Jon and Kate Gosselin. What makes the Gore split notable is that the two have spent virtually their entire adult lives in the public eye and they have done it together. They presented themselves as a package - and the idea of their brand was sealed with a public kiss on the stage of the Democratic Convention in 2000.

So now that they're individual units again, how will the Gores fit back into public life? Can power partners be as effective in grabbing the public attention when they're operating alone? A look at some other longtime power couples who decided to part ways - and how they fared afterward.

Nelson and Winnie Mandela: Winnie was married to Nelson when he was imprisoned for 27 years for fighting against apartheid in South Africa, and was by his side when he was released in 1990. In the wake of the couple's divorce in 1996, Mandela (who served as president of South Africa from 1994-1999) has remained a globally-beloved figure, while Winnie has been accused of human rights abuses (which she has denied) and was convicted of fraud. A movie version of her life is in the works starring Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson.

Prince Charles and Diana: The royal couple were divorced in 1996. Diana became active in such issues as the banning of anti-personnel landmines, and, after her death in a car crash in 1997, became an even greater object of public fascination. Charles married Camilla Parker Bowles in 2005 and their union, it's fair to say, didn't capture the public imagination in the way that his first marriage did.

Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon: The politically-active Hollywood couple, who were never married, announced their split in 2009 after a partnership of more than two decades. Both actors have been a little less visible since their breakup-Sarandon will be seen in the coming Oliver Stone sequel 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps'; Tim Robbins doesn't have a significant movie role coming until 2011, when he's scheduled to play Senator Hammond in 'Green Lantern.'
美国前副总统戈尔(Al Gore)与妻子蒂珀 (Tipper Gore)决定分手的消息成为爆炸性新闻,在本专栏作者看来,似乎这是比一般的名人分手事件更为重大的消息。从泰德•特纳(Ted Turner)和简•方达(Jane Fonda)到乔恩和凯特•戈塞尔林(Jon and Kate Gosselin),名人伴侣分手的新闻不绝于耳。戈尔夫妇的分手更引人注目之处在于二人实际上在公众的视线中渡过了他们的整个成年阶段,始终在一起。他们把自己包装成一个整体。2000年,二人在民主党大会主席台上于众目睽睽之下的一个深情拥吻为他们的品牌打下了深深的烙印。


纳尔逊和温妮•曼德拉(Nelson and Winnie Mandela):纳尔逊因反抗南非的种族隔离制度遭受了27年的牢狱之苦。温妮嫁给他时,他还在狱中,1990年他出狱时,温妮仍相伴左右。曼德拉夫妇于1996年离婚后,纳尔逊•曼德拉 (他于1994年至1999年间担任南非总统)仍是受全球尊敬的公众人物,而温妮却被指控践踏人权(她否认有此行为),并被判犯有欺诈罪。一部关于温妮的电影正在制作中,由奥斯卡金像奖得主珍妮佛•哈德逊(Jennifer Hudson)主演。

美国前副总统戈尔(Al Gore)与妻子蒂珀(Tipper)在结婚40年后突然宣布分手。
查尔斯王子和戴安娜(Prince Charles and Diana):这对英国皇室夫妇于1996年离婚。戴安娜后来积极投身反对使用杀伤性地雷等活动。1997年因车祸去世后,她甚至更加受到公众的迷恋。查尔斯于2005年与卡米拉(Camilla Parker Bowles)结婚,公平的讲,他们的结合并未像他的第一次婚姻那样引发公众的想象。

蒂姆•罗宾斯(Tim Robbins)和苏珊•萨兰登(Susan Sarandon):这对热衷政治的好莱坞伴侣一起生活了20多年,却从未结婚。2009年,二人宣布分手后,曝光率均略微下降。萨兰登将在奥利弗•斯通(Oliver Stone)执导的续集电影《华尔街:钱永不眠》(Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps)中现身,该片将于近期上映;蒂姆•罗宾斯近期未饰演重要电影角色,但他计划于2011年在影片《绿灯侠》(Green Lantern)中饰演参议员哈蒙德(Senator Hammond)。