2010-5-31 07:03
Elegant, passionate, a strong career woman and a devoted mom, Michelle Obama has already become a role model with an army of fans as she prepares to become the nation's first lady. Three days after celebrating her 45th birthday, she will take her place by her husband's side on Jan 20 as Barack Obama is sworn in as the nation's first African-American president. Obama will be one of the nation's youngest first ladies after the graceful Jackie Kennedy, who was just 31 when John F. Kennedy took office. And while she has insisted that her main job will be "mom-in-chief" to her two daughters, Malia, 10 and Sasha, 7, her role may well evolve in the months ahead as the first family settles into the White House. Officially Michelle Obama has said she has no political ambitions of her own, and this week resigned from her job as vice-president at the University of Chicago medical center, where she worked for 7 years. "Even as first lady, my number one job would still be mom," she told reporters just before the Nov 4 elections. "My first priority will always be to ensure that our daughters stay grounded and healthy, with normal childhoods - including homework, dance and soccer." "One of the great challenges for Michelle Obama is she is going to have to juggle many balls, wear many hats," historian Robert Watson said. "She's going to have to be a wife, a mother, but also the first lady. And this is a woman who is used to having a very successful, high-powered career and it's an enormous challenge." He added: "My sense is that Michelle Obama probably comes better prepared to handle these challenges than any first lady in history. The reason is that she has sort of been super woman." "First lady" is an unofficial title bestowed on the hostess of the White House. Helped by a staff of around 100, she has many largely ceremonial duties and accompanies the president to state functions and on trips. (Agencies) 她优雅大方、充满热情,她是成功的职业女性,是位称职的母亲,在即将成为美国第一夫人之时,米歇尔?奥巴马已经有了一大批“粉丝”。
在过完45岁生日三天后,米歇尔将于本月20日正式成为美国第一夫人,这一天她的丈夫巴拉克?奥巴马将就任成为美国首位非裔总统。 米歇尔将成为继端庄优雅的前第一夫人杰奎琳?肯尼迪之后美国历史上最年轻的第一夫人,肯尼迪就任美国总统时,杰奎琳年仅31岁。 尽管米歇尔一直表示她将做个“全职妈妈”,照顾好两个女儿——10岁的玛利亚和7岁的萨沙,但当这个第一家庭入主白宫后,她的角色在今后的几个月将不可避免地发生变化。 米歇尔曾公开表示自己没有什么政治抱负。她已于本周辞去芝加哥大学医学中心副主任一职,她在那里工作已有七年之久。 米歇尔在去年11月4日大选日前夕接受记者采访时说:“即使成为第一夫人,我的首要任务仍将是做个称职的妈妈,让我们的女儿健康快乐地成长,过一个正常的童年——让她们(和其他孩子一样)每天也做家庭作业,也去跳舞,踢足球。” 历史学家罗伯特?沃特森说:“米歇尔面临的最大挑战之一就是如何处理好各种角色。” “她既是妻子、母亲,又是第一夫人。她曾是一位成功的职业女性,‘第一夫人’对于她来说是个不小的挑战。” 他说:“与历届第一夫人相比,我感觉米歇尔可能会是面对这些挑战时准备最充分的一位。因为她有点女强人的感觉。” “第一夫人”是对白宫女主人的一个非官方的称呼。在约100名员工的协助下,第一夫人要处理很多仪式性的事务,还要陪同总统出席各种国事活动和出访外国。 (英语点津姗姗编辑) |