2010-5-31 06:34
"Slumdog Millionaire", the rags-to-riches movie that took the Oscars by storm, also produced two of the most influential words of the 2008 Hollywood awards season, a language monitoring group said on Thursday. "Jai Ho!", Hindi for Let There be Victory and the title of the movie's Oscar-winning best song, and "Slumdog" -- the controversial term coined by the filmmakers for young slum-dwellers in Mumbai -- were named the top "HollyWords" of the year that closed with last Sunday's Oscars. The Global Language Monitor, which uses an algorithm to track the frequency of words and phrases in the world's print and electronic media, said it was rare for two words from the same movie to be ranked in its annual list. "Slumdog Millionaire" crowned its awards sweep by winning eight Oscars, also including best picture and director. Last summer's "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" inspired the new expression "Nuke the Fridge" -- a phrase coined on the Internet to describe a moment when a cinematic franchise has run its course. The phrase came in third on the list, followed by "Hmong" -- a mountain dwelling people in Laos -- from the Clint Eastwood movie "Gran Torino". "What doesn't kill you makes you....stranger", the Joker's twist on German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's epigram that was spoken by Heath Ledger in Batman blockbuster "The Dark Knight" was also among the Top Ten. along with the line "There are no coincidences" from the animated movie "Kung Fu Panda." (Agencies) 全球语言监测机构于本周四称,以“麻雀变凤凰”为题材的电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》不仅横扫本届奥斯卡,还造就了2008年好莱坞颁奖季最具影响的两个词汇。
Jai Ho!在印度语中意为“胜利”,以此为名的主题曲获得本届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。这部电影还设计了一个颇具争议的词汇——Slumdog,专指孟买年轻的贫民窟居民。在上周日奥斯卡大奖揭晓之后,这两个词一同登上年度“好莱坞词汇”排行榜榜首。 全球语言监测机构称,同一部电影派生出两个年度词汇,这极为罕见。该机构通过对全球印刷和电子媒介中词汇和短语的使用频率进行跟踪统计而得出这份榜单。 本届奥斯卡最大赢家《贫民窟的百万富翁》席卷八大奖项,包括最佳影片和最佳导演奖。 去年夏季上映的影片《夺宝奇兵4:水晶头骨》造就了新短语“核炸冰箱”,这个网络新语意指某个电影续集发展过程中的一个片段。 “核炸冰箱”在榜单中位列第三。克林特?伊斯特伍德主演的电影《老爷车》催生的新词Hmong紧随其后,它指的是生活在老挝山区的一个民族。 热映影片《蝙蝠侠:暗夜骑士》的台词“那些杀不死你的,只会让你变得更离奇”也在榜单中跻身前十,这句话是希斯?莱杰扮演的小丑对德国哲学家弗里德里希?尼采警句的曲解。与它一同入选的还有动画片《功夫熊猫》的经典台词“世上无巧合”。 (实习生许雅宁,英语点津编辑) 相关阅读: 《贫民富翁》横扫81届奥斯卡 《贫民富翁》获奥斯卡八奖 温斯莱特封后 翻吧问答:Slumdog怎么翻译好 |