2010-5-31 04:03
Vienna is the best city in the world to live while war-torn Baghdad is the worst, a survey said Wednesday, putting Europe at the top of the rankings with Asia and Africa trailing.
The Austrian capital "retains the top spot as the city with the world's best quality of living," British consultancy firm Mercer said in its 2010 Quality of Living Survey. Swiss cities Zurich and Geneva followed in second and third places respectively, while Vancouver in Canada and Auckland in New Zealand were joint fourth. For its annual survey, Mercer assessed the quality of living in 221 cities worldwide, measuring them against New York with an index score of 100 points as the base city. Vienna, which also took the number one spot last year, scored a total 108.6 points, while Baghdad scored the lowest with just 14.7 points. European cities continued to dominate the top 25 cities in the survey, Mercer said, while Canadian cities also had a strong showing. Among cities in Britain, London ranked number 39, Birmingham 55 and Glasgow 57. In the United States, the highest ranking entry was Honolulu in 31st place, followed by San Francisco in 32nd. Singapore was the top-scoring Asian city in 28th place, followed by Tokyo in 40th. Baghdad ranked 221st, remaining at the bottom of the list. It was followed by Bangui in the Central African Republic, N'Djamena in Chad, Khartoum in Sudan and Tbilisi in Georgia. Mercer also awarded cities eco rankings based on water availability and drinkability, waste removal, quality of sewage systems, air pollution and traffic congestion. Calgary in Canada came top of this list, followed by Honolulu in second place and Ottawa and Helsinki in joint third place. Port-au-Prince in Haiti ranked at the bottom of this table, Mercer said. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 全球城市生活质量调查本周三出炉,维也纳高居榜首,饱受战争之苦的巴格达排名垫底。欧洲城市在榜单中名列前茅,亚非城市排名靠后。
英国美世咨询公司在“2010城市生活质量调查”中称,奥地利首都维也纳“再度获选全球生活质量最佳城市”。 瑞士苏黎世和日内瓦分列二、三位,加拿大温哥华和新西兰奥克兰并列第四。 为开展此次年度调查,美世公司评估了全球221个城市的生活质量,将这些城市与指数分值为100分的基准城市纽约进行比较。 维也纳以总分108.6分蝉联榜首,巴格达得分垫底,仅为14.7分。 美世公司称,欧洲城市仍占据榜单前25位,加拿大城市也有不俗表现。 英国参评城市中,伦敦位列第39,伯明翰和格拉斯哥分列第55和第57。 美国参选城市中,檀香山居首,位列第31,旧金山以一席之差紧随其后。 新加坡市以第28名的成绩位居亚洲城市之首。东京位居其后,排名第40。 巴格达排名再次垫底,此外,排在榜单倒数几位的依次为中非共和国首都班吉、乍得首都恩贾梅纳、苏丹首都喀土穆和格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯。 美世公司还根据饮水的供应量和饮用性、垃圾处理能力、排污系统质量、空气污染程度、交通堵塞状况等因素对城市进行了生态排名。 加拿大卡尔加里位居生态城市榜单之首,檀香山屈居第二,渥太华和赫尔辛基并列第三。 海地首都太子港在生态城市榜单中排在最末。 相关阅读 全球生活质量排名:维也纳居首 北京上升 欧洲城市之最:伦敦最脏 巴黎最不友好 罗利获评美国生活质量最高城市 全球最贵城市大洗牌 东京第一、北京第九 东京获评全球最佳美食城市 网上约会流行 纽约当选最佳单身城市 美国城市压力排行 芝加哥居首 宜居城市 livable city (小艾网英语点津 Julie 编辑Meggie) |