2010-5-31 04:02
Authorities in Barcelona, fed up with tourists wandering the streets in their swimming costumes, are preparing a massive campaign to convince them to put on clothes when they leave the beach.
"We want to make people understand that it's an attitude that we don't like, that it's not banned or punishable but that it's something we don't think is civil," a spokeswoman for the city hall said Friday. Municipal authorities in the seaside Spanish city have already printed posters showing a couple in swimming costumes with a red line across it, along with another couple dressed normally but without the red line. "In the coming weeks we are going to put up the posters in the metro, buses and in all public areas," the spokeswoman said. "And the mayor has sent letters to businesses, hotels, bars, restaurants ... encouraging them to download the poster and paste on their walls." The city hall had no figures on how many visitors walk through the streets in their bikinis, swimsuits or swimming trunks. "It's just a perception," said the spokeswoman, The beaches and cultural attractions of the capital of Spain's northeastern Catalonia region draw millions of foreign visitors each year. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 巴塞罗那街头不乏身穿泳装四处晃悠的游客,再也看不下去的市政府目前正筹划一个大规模的宣传活动,以劝说游客们在离开沙滩时穿上衣服。
巴塞罗那市政厅的一名女发言人于上周五称:“我们想让人们了解,我们不喜欢大家穿着泳衣上街,这一行为不会被禁止或受到处罚,但不文明。” 这个西班牙海滨城市的市政部门已印制了宣传告示,告示上一对夫妇身穿泳装,遭一条红线划过,作为对比,另一对穿着正常的夫妇身上则没有出现红线。 这位女发言人说:“在未来数周,我们将在地铁、公车和所有的公共场所张贴宣传告示。” “市长已致信企业、旅馆、酒吧和饭店,鼓励他们下载告示并将其张贴在营业场所。” 巴塞罗那市政厅并没有街头出现的穿比基尼、泳装或泳裤的游客数量的具体数据统计。这位女发言人说:“这只是一种感觉。” 巴塞罗那是西班牙东北部加泰罗尼亚自治区的首府,它的海滩和文化景点每年吸引数百万的外国游客前来观光。 相关阅读 布兰妮最爱“节省”比基尼 美国人最厌恶的十大不文明行为 “西红柿大战”染红西班牙小镇 英男女迪拜餐馆亲吻被判监禁一个月 韩国泥巴狂欢节 游客尽享泥巴乐 美国:海洋城幽默广告招揽游客 欧洲调查:日本游客最有素质 (小艾网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑蔡姗姗) |