
双语秀   2016-06-06 20:29   92   0  

2010-5-31 00:35

小艾摘要: Terry Gou, founder and chairman of Hon Hai, the Taiwanese parent company of Foxconn, rushed to Shenzhen on Tuesday, in an attempt to contain the growing fallout for the group from a continuing string ...
Terry Gou, founder and chairman of Hon Hai, the Taiwanese parent company of Foxconn, rushed to Shenzhen on Tuesday, in an attempt to contain the growing fallout for the group from a continuing string of suicides among workers.

Mr Gou invited the media to a press conference on Wednesday at Foxconn’s Longhua plant and said he would help them better understand the situation.

The move came after another employee at the plant died after falling off a building on Tuesday morning.

Shenzhen police confirmed the death, but said they were still investigating whether it was suicide.

Nine people have died in the series of incidents among workers, while there have been two failed apparent suicide attempts.

Foxconn is the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer, making devices for leading global electronics brands.

Labour activists in Hong Kong have threatened to start a campaign for a boycott of Apple’s iPhone, one of the many electronic devices made by the 300,000 workers at the Shenzhen plant at the legal minimum wage and with massive overtime.

However, psychiatrists say the suicides cannot be explained as a simple consequence of labour conditions at Foxconn.

“At least, here’s a company that’s doing something about it,” said Michael Phillips, director of the Suicide Research and Prevention Centre at Shanghai Mental Health Centre and a professor at Emory University School of Medicine.

He pointed to Foxconn’s moves to set up new counselling and early warning systems. He also said the suicides appeared to have a strong imitation factor.

But labour activists called for more decisive action from the company. “The wages of these workers should be raised to decent levels, so they won’t feel they need to rely on overtime,” said Geoffrey Crothall of China Labour Bulletin. “That would give them time to socialise, relax and work through whatever issues they have.”

Betty Chan of Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour said her group was in touch with labour activists in Europe over an international boycott campaign against the iPhone from next month.

鸿海集团(Hon Hai)创始人兼董事长郭台铭(Terry Gou)周二赶赴深圳,以求遏制因富士康(Foxconn)工人连续自杀对集团造成的日益严重的影响。鸿海是富士康的台湾母公司。








上海市精神卫生中心心理危机干预中心研究室主任、埃默里大学医学院(Emory University School of Medicine)教授费立鹏(Michael Phillips)说:“至少,这家公司对此做了一些工作。”


但劳工维权人士呼吁富士康采取更果断的行动。 “这些工人的工资应提高到像样的水平,让他们感到无需依靠加班来赚钱,”中国劳工通讯(China Labour Bulletin)的杰弗里?克罗塞尔(Geoffrey Crothall)说,“这将让他们有时间进行社交、放松,并处理他们的个人问题。”

“大学师生监察无良企业行动”(SACOM)的Betty Chan表示,她们的组织正在和欧洲的劳工维权人士联络,拟于下月共同发起抵制iPhone的国际行动。

