
双语秀   2016-06-06 20:28   114   0  

2010-5-30 13:57

小艾摘要: I am a liar. The statement doesn’t look pretty on the page, yet it is the truth. Like the Hungarian prime minister, I have lied in the morning, at night and in the evening – although mainly I lie du ...
I am a liar. The statement doesn’t look pretty on the page, yet it is the truth. Like the Hungarian prime minister, I have lied in the morning, at night and in the evening – although mainly I lie during office hours. My lies are not necessarily whoppers, but are deceptions and distortions. So far today, I have congratulated someone on their new job, even though I think it a complete mystery how they ever got promoted. I e-mailed various readers thanking them for their interesting points, which I actually thought were tedious. I told someone on the phone to “send me the report by e-mail, and I’ll read it” when I knew I wouldn’t – and so it went.

More insidiously, today and every day, I lie to myself by pretending to be something I’m not: a humorous teller of truths, which, given the above, is almost funny.

Yet today I am telling this big unsayable truth by calling myself a liar. Even more unacceptably, I accuse my colleagues of being liars. I accuse my boss, too, and I accuse you, whoever you are. If you work in an organisation, I’d bet my shirt that you are a liar too. We lie individually, we lie in teams and we lie as companies.

Yet the truth about liars is one no one seems ready for. The Labour party conference was almost brought to a standstill last week by Cherie Blair allegedly saying: “Well, that’s a lie” when Gordon Brown declared what a privilege it had been working with her husband. The words were staggering because calling someone a liar is like saying that they are a murderer (odd, seeing that lying is ubiquitous and murdering is not, unless you live in Colombia). The words also shocked for being the only obviously true ones that anyone came across all week.

We may all be liars, but that doesn’t mean the world has gone to the dogs and that we will all fry in hell. Lies are necessary. Politicians have to lie as the electorate will settle for nothing less. Equally the corporate world demands lies. Indeed, it cannot function without them, so we should stop being so hung up about it.

Last week, I was sent a proof copy of a book by David Shulman, a US professor of anthropology, which reinforces the point that deception is a part of office life. From Hire to Liar argues that as most management theory fails to take the lying into account, it cannot therefore shed much light on the business world as we know it.

There are lots of reasons why lying (or distorting or dissembling) is necessary. Workplaces are hierarchies, which involves kissing up and kicking down. Offices are competitive, which means putting your best foot forward, and making yourself look better than you are. It means trashing the competition. Selling anything usually means stretching the truth and seeing things only from one side.

The rules of organisational life also invite workers to cover up any infringements. We lie about taking days off, being late for work or acts of skiving and slacking. Unrealistic targets and budgets make lying essential.

Lying about the work itself is also necessary to keep us doing it. Most jobs are pretty pointless, and confronting oneself with the futility of it all serves no purpose at all. Thus we claim to be passionate about what we do. In all, a corporate world without lies would collapse as fast as a world without money.

A friend who works at an advertising agency has a colleague who is an alcoholic. Recently he joined Alcoholics Anonymous and took various promises, including always to be truthful. When he returned to work he took it upon himself to tell a client during a meeting that they were being overcharged. In a team-building meeting he stood up and said that it was a great big waste of time.

The man became the corporate equivalent of the child who says loudly: look at that big wobbly bottom! and, as such, was far more dangerous as a truth-teller than he had ever been as a drunk.

This doesn’t mean that all routine corporate lying is good. In last week’s Economist magazine, Deloitte placed an ad for a senior job. “Un-economical with the truth” boasted the headline. Yet the very first sentence made a joke of this claim. “It’s no secret that Deloitte offers unparalleled depth and breadth of expertise in professional service”. This, I hope we can all agree, is a lie. It IS a secret that Deloitte offers unparalleled depth of service etc, and a damn well-kept one. Last time I looked, all the accountancy firms offered a parallel service. It is a competitive industry, which means that the big firms are much of a muchness.

The ad goes on: “The brightest sparks come to us for the challenges and rewards of a lifetime.” This isn’t an outright lie, but it isn’t anywhere near true either. I’ve met a couple of people from Deloitte, they weren’t bright sparks nor did they seem to be enjoying the challenges of a lifetime.

What is objectionable about this ad is not the fact that it isn’t true. It’s the fact that the lies fail to convince. The ad is for a “Corporate Eminence Leader” which is a make-believe title, and make-believe is not a good look if your business is audit.

So, here is the point about deception at work: it isn’t wrong per se, it is necessary. But it does need to be believable. If I say to someone I think is an idiot: “Congratulations on your promotion!”, I need to look as if I mean it. More than that, I need to understand the framework: I am not a bad or particularly disingenuous person. I am merely playing by a system of rules that cut across truth and falsehood. It’s a dangerous balance. The lies have to be believable, but somehow you must stop somewhere short of actually believing them. The most dangerous people in business are the ones who believe their own lies




但对于撒谎者这一事实,似乎所有人都不愿接受。在上周的工党大会上,当戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)宣称与切丽•布莱尔(Cherie Blair)的丈夫共事是何等愉快时,据称后者说:“哦,这是谎话”,从而使大会几乎陷入停滞。这句话令人惊愕,因为称某人是一个撒谎者,无异于说他是一名杀人犯(奇怪了,说谎无处不在,而谋杀并非如此,除非在哥伦比亚)。另一个令人震惊之处在于,这是整整一周内唯一可听到的真话。


上周,我收到了一本书的清样,作者是美国人类学教授戴维•舒尔曼(David Shulman),这本书进一步印证了欺骗是办公室生活的一部分。《从雇佣到撒谎者》(From Hire to Liar)一书认为,由于多数管理理论都未能将说谎考虑在内,因此它们无法有效揭示我们所了解的商界。




我有一个朋友在广告公司上班,他一个同事是酒鬼。最近,这个酒鬼加入了戒酒匿名会(Alcoholics Anonymous),并做出各种各样的承诺,包括始终诚实。当回到工作中,他毅然贯彻这条承诺,在一次会议上告诉一家客户,说他们被宰了。在一次“团队建设”活动上,他站起身说,这是对时间的巨大浪费。








