
双语秀   2016-06-06 20:27   128   0  

2010-5-30 13:51

小艾摘要: I am sitting at my desk in the office, typing. I am quite alone. There are no other people here and no other desks. The space is like an aircraft hanger and I am stuck out at one end of it. Presently, ...
I am sitting at my desk in the office, typing. I am quite alone. There are no other people here and no other desks. The space is like an aircraft hanger and I am stuck out at one end of it.

Presently, across the vast expanse of grubby carpet tiles, comes a colleague. I am pleased to see him. I turn to talk, but can't help noticing that on his head is a pile of grated cheese. It looks like cheddar to me, the same stuff I grate over my children's pasta. Fat strands of yellow nestle in the tight frizz of his hair.

I point out he has cheese in his hair. He laughs and shakes his head. Some, though not all, falls off.

And then – as they say in the most annoying of story-books – I woke up. But what an odd dream it was: banal and yet curiously disturbing.

Office life visits me in my dreams quite often. Maybe this isn't surprising. I spend so much of my life working that my sub-conscious naturally returns to romp through the office while I sleep.

To find out how normal this is, I spent much of last week asking friends and colleagues to tell me about their office dreams. About a third looked at me weirdly and said they never dreamt about work. Another third looked at me even more weirdly and told me to mind my own business – their office dreams were unrepeatable. The rest, like me, admitted to the intermittent existence of a nocturnal world featuring a peculiar and distorted office.

The difficulty with this dreamworld is the way it rubs up against the real one. In our dreams we meet colleagues in all sorts of odd situations, covered in cheese or doing other unmentionable things.

The difficulty comes a few hours later when we see them for real, minus the cheese. As far as they are concerned nothing has happened, but in the dreamer's mind the memory lingers.

Sometimes I find my dreams leave me feeling so odd that I have to confess all to the colleague in question the next day. This confession doesn't always go as planned.

A couple of weeks ago I dreamt that a page editor asked me to do some humdrum subbing as he was too busy. I got wildly angry and started shouting that it wasn't my job and that I was bending under the weight of work as it was. I woke feeling half resentful and half guilty. The next day I told him the dream and expected him to say: “How silly! You work so hard!” Only he didn't. He simply smiled, which did little to dispel my uneasy feeling about it all.

Even more difficult to square with normal life are erotic dreams. The odd thing about these is that they often concern people you are not remotely attracted to in real life. The next day you turn up to work and see them looking as unattractive as ever, only now you can't quite meet their eye.

One friend says she dreamt she was having such a passionate affair with a colleague she decided to leave her husband for him. In true life she hardly knew him, and didn't much like him either. Seeing him the next day was quite horrible.

Another dreamt her aged and unappealing CEO leant over during a coach trip and started stroking her calf. She particularly resented the dream's implication that she found power seductive – something which, in waking hours anyway, she would have vigorously denied.

There is a more satisfactory category of office dreams that involve an element of wish fulfilment. One colleague reports having punched a boss in a dream. This not only made him feel much better, it also took the edge off the desire to do that in real life.

Less prosaically, another colleague had a dream about a tiresome former FT journalist who has now become maddeningly successful. In this
dream he was wearing a tight red satin shirt in which he looked ludicrous and was surrounded by women playing the ukulele. This seemed a delightfully undignified fate for him, and I rather wish I had had this dream myself.

But what does it all mean? In search of explanation I have turned to an automatic dream analyser on Freakydreams.com. I typed my cheese dream at some length and clicked on “interpret”. In an indecently short time the interpretation came back. “Office”, it said, stands for workplace and “hair” implies attraction or sensuality. I can't quibble with the first, but as for the second I'm a bit dubious. In any case I suspect that the cheese may cancel it out.

In hope of more satisfactory help I telephoned Delia Cushway, a dream expert and a professor of clinical psychology at Coventry university. She listened to my dream patiently and said that the meaning depended entirely on the context and the associations. The dream was trying to focus my attention on something I wasn't aware of, she said.

What does cheese mean to you? she asked. I could think of nothing. It was just cheap yellow food, I said, not terribly appetising. And what does this man's hair mean to you? I couldn't think of anything much. Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough. Maybe I didn't want to try. Either way I had got as far as I was going to go with cheese-in-hair.

Not all workplace dreams need an explanation. A banker acquaintance at Merrill Lynch recently had a dream in which a big red slide was set up from the roof of the building, but only the most senior people were allowed to slide down. You don't need to be a professor of psychology to work that one out.

In the end, I only have one big beef with office dreams and that is why we have to have them at all. Given how much of the day we spend at work it would be nice if at night we could go somewhere else.
















为了得到更令人满意的解释,我打电话给迪莉娅•库什维(Delia Cushway)。她是一位解梦专家,也是考文垂大学(Coventry university)临床心理学教授。她耐心地听完我的梦,然后说,梦的含义完全取决于背景和联系。她表示,梦境试图将我的注意力集中在我没有意识到的事情上。


并非所有的办公室梦都需要解释。在美林(Merrill Lynch)工作的一位银行家朋友最近做了一个梦,梦到办公楼顶建起了一个巨大的红色滑梯,但只允许职位最高的人从上边滑下来。你无需成为一位心理学教授就能解释其中的含义。


