
双语秀   2016-06-06 20:26   108   0  

2010-5-30 13:50

小艾摘要: Never be frightened to ask a question: there are no dumb questions. This was what I was told recently by the head of a company whose board I had just joined as a non-exec director. At the time I found ...

Never be frightened to ask a question: there are no dumb questions.

This was what I was told recently by the head of a company whose board I had just joined as a non-exec director. At the time I found it vaguely reassuring – maybe he didn't expect me to know anything much – and vaguely threatening – maybe he expected me to be bold and incisive.

During the last week I have spent two whole days in back-to-back board meetings and strategy meetings and have concluded that when it comes to the art of inquiry he is wrong. There are lots of dumb questions, and I have managed to ask quite a lot of them. Moreover, I am frightened of asking questions, yet far from being frightened to admit it, I'm quite prepared to flaunt it. This fear is part of the natural order of business life, and there is good reason for it.

None of this means that non-execs should keep quiet. Anyone who needs reminding of what silence can do need only turn to by Tom Bower. If Henry Kissinger or Lord Carrington or the other directors of Black's assorted companies had asked a few questions about the vanishing hundreds of millions, things might have worked out rather differently.

However, I suspect the reason they never put up their hands was not because they were scared of the dumb question. It was because they were ultra-grand, ultra-busy people who had little business experience and less appetite for reading board papers and comforted themselves with the belief that Lord Black was a great guy.

Yet for normal people at work the fear of the question is a big and understandable thing. To speak out in a board meeting – or in front of clients, colleagues or competitors – is to expose oneself. In moderation, that fear serves a purpose: as we are frightened of looking foolish we think twice before opening our mouths and actually being foolish.

Before last week's meeting-a-thon had even got under way I had already failed to ask about some things that were troubling me. On the itinerary were the dread words “casual dress”. The pressing question formed: how does a woman dress casually at a board meeting? Are jeans OK if worn with high heels and smartish shirt? Is it better to err on the side of too smart or too casual?

I did not ask any of the above for fear of looking even more trivial than I looked already. Moreover the company's executives surely had more pressing concerns.

The first defining trait of the classic dumb question is that it comes from not having listened properly. Suppose you have been busy sending surreptitious e-mails on your BlackBerry during a meeting, and then, just so as to look as if you are alert and engaged, you ask your killer question. Unfortunately it has already been answered at length and you end up looking dumb, rude and lazy too.

The dumbness of the question is also related to the position and age of the person who asks it. If a junior person asks something obvious, the question might not be dumb, but the questioner would do better to have spared the yawns of everyone else and asked in private afterwards.

If a senior person asks a dumb question the drill is that everyone pretends not to notice. I once sat next to Prince Philip at a lunch and he asked lots of hair-raisingly dumb questions. One of the advantages of being married to the Queen (or even being the Queen) is that you can ask as many of those as you like.

Ordinary people who pose dumb questions with no fear are less to be commended for their bravery than condemned for their arrogance. In the mid-1980s I went to a talk for journalists at the Bank of England on control of the money markets. One man who had just started working on possibly the most revered financial column in the UK press raised his hand languidly. “What is a bond?” he drawled. The thing that shocked me more than the dumbness of the question was his failure to show any embarrassment at all.

A bigger problem with questions in meetings is not that people ask too few but that they ask too many. And most of these are of the wrong sort and asked for the wrong reasons. These questions are not actually requests for information at all.

The most popular fake-question is not dumb but too-clever-by-half. At press conferences and analysts' meetings people compete to ask the most arcane question possible. Generally they have little interest in the answer. Real attempts to find things out often get asked in private later.

This syndrome is much in evidence when bosses and underlings are in meetings with a third party. Then the underlings open their mouths only to impress the boss.

A friend on the board of a big company tells me of a non-exec who sits through meetings apparently taking notes. What he is actually doing is writing detailed drafts of the superb questions he has up his sleeve. He pays scant attention to what people are saying: his entire focus is on his own performance.

A related variety of non-questions is the I-love-hearing-myself-talk-so-I'm-
going-to-bang-on-interminably question. This is irksome, yet nothing compared with a third variety: the sycophantic question. This generally takes the form of can-you-please-tell-
us-all-how-marvellous-you-are and is sickening to witness.

There is only one sort of dumb fake-question that should be tolerated. It is when someone has given a talk and afterwards asks for questions. There is silence, broken by the odd cough. Then someone puts up a hand and asks something for the sake of it. This is not ego. It is manners



这并不意味着非执行董事就该保持沉默。如果要就沉默的作用提醒某人,让他看看汤姆•鲍文(Tom Bower)的作品就可以了。而面对霍林格国际公司(Hollinger International)正在消失的数亿美元,如果亨利•基辛格(Henry Kissinger)、卡林顿勋爵(Lord Carrington),或布莱克勋爵(Lord Black)旗下各公司的其他董事都问上几个问题,那最后的结果可能会全然不同。







如果一个地位较高的人抛出了问题“哑弹”,通常大家都会装作没注意到。有一次午餐会,我坐在菲利普亲王(Prince Philip)旁边,他抛出了许多令人毛骨悚然的问题“哑弹”。与女王结婚(连当女王也算上)的好处之一,就是你可以随心所欲地问那些问题。

若普通人无所畏惧地抛出问题“哑弹”,他们很少会因为勇敢得到称赞,更多是要为自己的自大遭到谴责。20世纪80年代中期,我去英国央行(Bank of England)参加一个有关控制货币市场的记者座谈会。一个刚开始为一家财经专栏工作的人无力地举起手,懒洋洋地问道:“什么是债券?” 要知道,他所在的这个专栏可能是英国报业最受尊敬的财经专栏。比这个问题引发的沉默更让我震惊的是,他根本没表现出任何窘态。








