
双语秀   2016-06-06 20:26   126   0  

2010-5-30 13:47

小艾摘要: I'm a banker in my 50s with a boss who is nearly 70. Although I want him to retire for my own advancement, my more pressing problem is that he has stopped pulling his weight, is coming in late, and t ...
I'm a banker in my 50s with a boss who is nearly 70. Although I want him to retire for my own advancement, my more pressing problem is that he has stopped pulling his weight, is coming in late, and taking too much holiday. This puts an extra burden on me as the right-hand man. His superiors don't seem to notice, and to tell them would make me seem disloyal and overly ambitious. He's in exceptionally good health and could work for several more years. Should I confront my boss or just keep mum?
Investment banker, male, 53

How delightful to find an arriviste underling of 53 and a slacking boss of 70 in a thrusting, ageist industry such as investment banking.

Yet maybe this is the future: 10 years from now everyone will go on working into their dotage because they won't be able to afford to retire. And, like your boss, many of them will spend their last decade skiving as there will no longer be any point in working like a maniac – and they will deserve a breather anyway. The trouble, as you have found, is that the tier below will feel put-upon and restive.

As for the specifics of your problem, you ask if you should take your boss aside and tell him he's coasting. This is such a terrible idea I find it hard to believe you have ever entertained it. How do you think he'd feel on being told off by you? He certainly wouldn't work harder and would only conclude that, despite your relatively advanced age, you were still a petty little school prefect.

I think you are looking at your problem in the wrong way. You clearly want his job, yet realise you aren't going to get it any time soon. But actually you already have the job, in that you are doing most of the work. So the real question is not how to get your skiving boss to do his job, but how to get recognition for the bits of it that you are now doing on an unpaid basis.

I suggest you do this in two stages. First, make sure you are doing the extra stuff publicly, willingly and well. Then go and see your boss's bosses and tell them what's what. Make sure you sound happy to be doing the work (ie, no moaning) and also make clear that you respect your boss and are grateful for any advice he continues to hand down from above. Then insist on more money, and possibly a souped-up title.

I am slightly worried by your assumption that you will be promoted when your boss finally does decide to cultivate his roses.

By then you may be getting on a bit too, and possibly someone much younger will be put in over your head. Life can be horrid that way.
You are aged 50-plus and your boss's right-hand man? Yet you are still unable to talk to him about his understandable rebalancing of his work life in the twilight of his career? It sounds as if you are not the right person to succeed him and that his superiors have already come to that conclusion. Stand by for a new boss from outside the company.
CEO, male, 50


Marginalise him. Have no work waiting for him, do not call him when he's away and do not keep him up to date. When he's out of the loop his bosses will start to think he's going senile. He'll be “retired” in months. For the next couple of years you're free. Anything that goes wrong, blame him, and anything that goes well, take full credit. But be careful of that 35-year-old who's looking at your job.
Trader, male, 35

I have experienced the same problem. My boss promised me and one other colleague he would lobby hard for our promotions on his retirement. He dumped all of his work on us and coasted to retirement without acting on the promotions. Learn from our mistake. Either confront your boss about pulling his own weight or seek the higher position you desire elsewhere. He is using you and your team and enjoying the free ride.
Manager, male, 40

Like you, I am a “chef de cabinet” with the CEO of a bank who is nearly 70. He has given the day-to-day business to me and I benefit from his accumulated experience when I need it. I see the relationship as like that between a management and supervisory board. My boss is pleased with a comfortable situation that gives him the satisfaction of still being useful – and so am I.

Banker, male, 50s

Your boss's age is a red herring. I suspect that he has found a thirtysomething lover and is having the time of his life with the help of modern pharmaceuticals. Have empathy and patience. One day when you are a senior partner you may find yourself in a similar position. Just keep fit.

Male, retired, 66

























