
双语秀   2016-06-06 20:26   118   0  

2010-5-30 12:14

小艾摘要: THE PROBLEMI work closely with someone who is less able than I am and a lot lazier. I've sometimes wondered whether to say anything to my manager, but have decided not to as I like my workmate and do ...
THE PROBLEMI work closely with someone who is less able than I am and a lot lazier. I've sometimes wondered whether to say anything to my manager, but have decided not to as I like my workmate and don't want to make a fuss. However, by mistake I have just opened a payslip that I thought was mine but was his. It turns out that he earns nearly 30 per cent more than I do. I now feel furious and want to do something. How can I get more money and recognition without looking like a creep and a spy?

Analyst, male, 31


Let's suppose things are exactly as you say: that you are brighter and more industrious than your colleague, though nice enough not to mind doing more than your share. You are a bit scatty so you don't check names on payslips before opening them. (I find this easy enough to imagine, as I've done it myself.) In keeping with this “decent chap” image, you are absolutely hopeless at asking for more money. Your colleague is good at this and hence the big gap in your pay packets.

On this reading, it is clear what you should do. Go and see your boss and ask for a rise. You must not mention your colleague under any circumstances. Bosses do not like this, not because they think it unprofessional but because it forces them to justify unjustifiable differences in pay. Instead, you must solemnly list all your strengths and try to make a sound case for a higher salary. It sounds easy, but I guarantee it won't be. If you've reached the age of 31 without ever asking for more, you'll find it horribly embarrassing and come away with almost nothing. In which case you can either give up hope and accept that pushy doesn't suit you or decide to try harder.

In that case, at every appraisal from now on you must go on listing your skills and go on asking for more, and hope you get the hang of it eventually. You could always ask your colleague how he does it; after all, he owes you one.

It is possible that I've misread the situation and that you are the sly sneak you fear; your colleague is much better than you think, he deserves to be paid more and you looked at his payslip on purpose.

I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt, although if I'm wrong I have no advice for you: you don't deserve any.


Sit tight

I also work with people who are paid more than me and don't do as much work as I do. However, I know that if I do my job properly and play the game, in time I will be rewarded.

Executive assistant, female, 36

Don't compare

There is one strict and eternal rule regarding pay: never compare yourself to your peers. It is entirely in your own making what salary you negotiate at your interview and whether to accept the pay offered.

Your solution now: get a new job.

Manager, male, 34

Life is unfair

I also discovered by accident that my male colleague was paid more than me. When I queried it with my boss, he said: don't even go there, it is all because of the annual bonus scheme – that is, companies get away with this because people don't discuss salaries.

So, either treat it as just another of those unfair things or go out and get another job. At least then you will know you are being paid the current market rate.

Architect, female, 51

Ask for a rise

Ask your manager for a 30 per cent rise. If he asks why you deserve it, you give him examples of your hard work – but you don't denigrate your colleague. If he says that's a lot of money, you say that's what you think the job is worth.

Make sure you come across as determined and definitely unhappy, but don't give away what you know. He may guess, of course, but he can't hold a guess against you.

Ex-employee, male

Yeah, right

Opened colleague's payslip by mistake? Yeah, right.

Perhaps you should indeed mind your own business. If you feel you deserve more money, go and ask your boss. Perhaps he agrees. Perhaps he doesn't. I bet he doesn't.

Managing director, male, 48





























