
双语秀   2016-06-06 20:24   99   0  

2010-5-30 13:42

小艾摘要: Last week a woman I was at university with sent me an e-mail advertising a new website for the over-40s on which she had posted an article about her decision to have Botox.When I last saw her a quarte ...
Last week a woman I was at university with sent me an e-mail advertising a new website for the over-40s on which she had posted an article about her decision to have Botox.

When I last saw her a quarter of a century ago, she was a scruffy, cerebral Oxford undergraduate. So it should have come as a surprise to find her in Harley Street visiting a man with a syringe full of facial filler.

Yet she isn't the first person I know to have made the transition from bluestocking to Botox. In the last year, four other women have done the same, all with formidable educations and even more formidable careers.

When her e-mail landed, I was sitting at my desk pretending to read a report on corporate responsibility, but was actually thinking about face cream and ageing and what a troublesome business it is.

I had just read this sentence: “Embedding a corporate responsibility (CR) strategy can be a bit like using an anti-ageing cream – it takes time for the results to show and you have to keep rubbing it in.”

If that were true, I reasoned, it would bode ill for CR. From extensive personal experience, I can confirm that rubbing the cream in makes no difference at all. I have been applying L'Oréal's Wrinkle De-Crease and after frequent applications and tireless rubbing I have noticed an inexorable and unfortunate trend towards wrinkle in-crease.

This is called getting older. I suppose I always knew in a vague way that it happened to everyone, but I'm still shocked to find it happening to me. I'm even more shocked to find that I mind: every time I go to the loo at work and scrutinise myself under the unforgiving fluorescent lights I feel a bit worse than I did the time before.

Thus when I received this e-mail about Botox I abandoned the CR report altogether and visited the website (www.writeonthecusp.com) to read her compelling story about her pact with the cosmetic devil.

In the UK, spending on cosmetic surgery is up almost 50 per cent on a year ago, and it seems many of the people accounting for the rise are bankers, lawyers, headhunters and senior managers. In these sorts of industries, looking old is becoming even worse than looking fat.

The career women I know who have gone for the knife or the needle say it is not just about being attractive to men. It is the fear of becoming invisible to everyone – especially at work. One happily married investment banker who had Botox on the eve of her 40th birthday tells me that it is simply because so many of her colleagues are in their 20s and next to them she feels ancient and washed-up.

It is all most annoying: I thought women with good jobs would escape this sort of thing. Botox was surely for Americans and TV presenters and housewives worried that their rich husbands might run off with something more nubile. For women like me, who never measured themselves by their looks, it surely wouldn't matter when they lost them.

It turns out to matter rather a lot. Almost all the successful women I know have used their femininity on the way up so instinctively that they are barely aware of doing it. They don't behave in an outrageously flirty way, but have varieties of female charm that work well on both men and women. The trouble is that female charm of any variety feels less charming when it is accompanied with grey hair and a saggy face and body. You only realise how important the charm has been when you fear it is about to stop working.

Very few men have made this sort of charm part of their ascent. If you look in annual reports at the pictures of the directors you see ranks of uglyish, oldish men with bald heads and pot bellies who nevertheless pass themselves off as senior, powerful people to be reckoned with. None of the women dare to look so old or so awful; instead they strive to look young(ish) by whatever means they can. At the age of 52, a board member of a well-known grocery retailer has even been wearing braces to straighten her teeth.

The latest Financial Times survey of Europe's most successful women shows pictures of women looking suspiciously younger than their years. Clearly a bit has been spent on anti-ageing, although I wouldn't want to name names as people can get funny about this sort of thing.

All this is most disheartening. I had thought the hard decade for working women was in their 30s, when the huge issue was how to mix work and babies. Back then, I had assumed that, by the time I was in my late 40s, I would be senior and established and so used to juggling I wouldn't notice any more. I would be in my prime and everything would be tickety-snitch.

But now when I see my female friends we moan as much as we always did. The difference is we have stopped moaning about childcare and moan about how old we look instead.

Distressing as it all is, I'm not – yet – leaning towards the Botox option myself. Not because I disapprove, but because I don't want to end up looking like Cliff Richard. Instead, I have a beauty tip that I'd like to share with readers. I have found a great moisturiser that is a lot better than Wrinkle De-crease. It is called aqueous cream. You buy it from the pharmacy counter where it costs about £3.99 for a bucketful.

It won't turn back the clock or even hold it still. But I have found an answer there, too. My solution is free, involves no knives, nasty injections or sneaky feelings that you have entered a pact with the devil, but it works for me. I never change my picture byline. That way I stay under 40 forever


我上一次见她,还是25年前。那时候,她是个不修边幅、思维理智的牛津大学学生。所以,想到她要去哈利街(Harley Street)拜访一位手拿针管、里面装满面部填充物的整容真是让人惊讶。




我想,如果这是真的,对公司责任来讲可是不祥之兆。出于丰富的个人经验,我能肯定,长期费劲使用面霜根本没有用。我一直在用欧莱雅(L'Oréal)的舒颜除皱修纹日霜(Wrinkle De-Crease),在频繁使用和不厌其烦地擦来擦去之后,我注意到一个无情而不幸的趋势:皱纹一直在增加。











尽管这样烦恼,我本人仍然不倾向于Botox注射除皱术这种选择。不是因为我反对手术美容,而是因为我不希望自己最后看起来像克利夫•理查(Cliff Richard,英国男歌手,接受过Botox注射除皱术——译者注)。相反,我有一个美容窍门很愿意和读者分享。我发现了一种很棒的保湿霜,比舒颜除皱修纹日霜好多了。这是一种叫做“aqueous cream”的湿润软膏,你可以在药房柜台买到,每瓶大概3.99英镑。



