
双语秀   2016-06-05 01:48   79   0  

2010-5-30 12:16

小艾摘要: I am a journalist in a big media group. I have just had a friendly message from the chairman asking if his nephew can do a week's work experience with me. I'm not keen, because it is extra work havi ...
I am a journalist in a big media group. I have just had a friendly message from the chairman asking if his nephew can do a week's work experience with me. I'm not keen, because it is extra work having a teenager around and I don't particularly want him reporting back on how I am doing. However, our organisation lurches from one crisis to another and we all live in constant fear of redundancy. Surely no one fires someone who has just done their nephew a good turn?
Journalist, male, 36


Your first big mistake was to think your chairman was asking you a question. Actually, he was telling you, in the most charming way, to take his nephew. Your problem now is how to keep the boy amused for a week without falling into despair yourself.

Various readers have suggested you will enjoy “mentoring” this boy. That is extremely unlikely. Most people are journalists because they are loners who like writing – a solitary activity that is dull as a spectator sport and is not improved by having a fidgeting teenager at one's elbow.

However, although taking him is a nuisance, it does give you the opportunity to impress. I suggest you e-mail the chairman promptly saying you are devising the most varied week possible for him.

This means that you can then farm him out. Even if you don't have anyone working under you, you can still force others to take him for a day by invoking the chairman's name.

I suggest you make others entertain him for the first four days but keep him for the last. Then take him to a press conference and set him to work writing an article. He will almost certainly write something unusable, which you will then rewrite, congratulating him heartily and putting his name on it. He will be thrilled and remember it forever.

To ram the point home, cut the piece out of the newspaper, send it to the chairman with a little handwritten note saying that he was a star. Given that your chairman evidently believes in nepotism – or else he would not have thrust the lad on you – your job may be safe for a bit.

You say that your company lurches from one crisis to another – in that case your chairman may lose his job before you lose yours.


Donkey work

Having a work experience person is a great opportunity to get somebody else to do all the crap tasks you have been putting off. And while you're about it, try to turn the week to your advantage; take him to the pub, buy him a few pints and explain the anxiety staff feel about the constant crises. He may end up reporting that back to the chairman.

Editor, male, 41

My girl

I've just guided my own daughter through a training programme and asked several people to give her time in their offices. Everyone who came to know her enjoyed a nice warm glow from helping her, and I personally feel much better disposed to these people and will help them if I can.

Journalist, male


If you have taken over a week to work out how to reply to a simple friendly request, then your chairman will have concluded you're not up to being a journalist. It doesn't matter what you reply now. Your time is better spent looking for another job.

Ex-director, male, 56

Network down

Refusing to invest in tomorrow's youth is not only selfish, it is stupid. Mentoring is an enriching activity that will grow your own people talents. You will find that networking down is as important as networking up.

Consultant, female, 47

Return favour

You should. But find a smart but underprivileged teenager who would benefit from a week's placement in your chairman's office and ask him to take the kid in return.

You do your bit for social mobility, the chairman's nephew gets a leg up, and you are never bothered again.

Creative director, male, 38



























