
双语秀   2016-06-05 01:46   106   0  

2010-5-30 11:02

小艾摘要: The ProblemI work on a charity committee with a man who has been in the news because the financial institution he founded has lost a breathtakingly large amount of money. We have a board meeting next ...
The Problem

I work on a charity committee with a man who has been in the news because the financial institution he founded has lost a breathtakingly large amount of money. We have a board meeting next week, and I was wondering what to do. Should I send him a card? If so, what do I write on it? I can't really say: “So very sorry that you've lost several billion dollars.” Or can I? Or do I say nothing? He is a very direct person, and I respect him but am also quite frightened of him.

Charity director, female, 51

Lucy's Answer

In the old days the etiquette was clear. Losing money was a disgrace. This man would have been off your committee in a trice and if your paths had ever crossed again you would have cold-shouldered him. When Anthony Trollope's villain Augustus Melmotte loses his fortune he is so traumatised by the shame that is bound to follow that taking his own life seems an easier way out.

By contrast, losing one's money today is perfectly socially acceptable. It is quite possible to be on the front page of the newspapers for mislaying billions of pounds and then a few years later to be hailed as a financial wizard once again. Look at John Meriwether: one minute he was presiding over the collapse of LTCM, the next he has re-established himself as a hedge fund god.

This means that you need feel no embarrassment or dismay about the financial predicament of your committee member. If you want to be nice to him you should show no discomfort and indeed pretend that it is fairly normal to lose so much. Don't dream of showing sympathy: alpha males tend not to want the pity of women who run charities.

Don't think of sending a card. This isn't a bereavement. Hallmark hasn't yet made “heartfelt condolences on your financial ruin” cards – for a reason. Financial collapse isn't really a greetings-card occasion.

If I were you I would briefly acknowledge it when he turns up. Say something like: “Thanks for coming today. I gather you have one or two other little things going on at the moment.” And hope he has the good grace to laugh.

Your Advice

Send card

What's the problem? Send a card saying: “I was sorry to hear the news about the bank. I know that you will pull it round. I look forward to seeing you next week.” He will be surprised and pleased.

Lawyer, male, 62

Lotto card

The board meeting is to deal with charity business and you should not be distracted by his company's problems. Say nothing. However, during the meeting, discreetly pass him a National Lotto scratch card. It will send out the signal that you sympathise and are keen to help in any way that you can.

Broker, male, 45

Ask for cash

Propose a new fund-raising campaign and say that you would like a large donation to kick it off. The guy whose firm lost billions will dig deep to show that he is doing OK. You will know how much it hurt and will never fear him again.

Fund manager,
male, 54

Say nothing

Next time you see him let him raise the subject first – anything else will seem patronising (unless you too have lost a couple of billion). Don't worry, he will bring the matter up, probably in a joking fashion.

Lawyer, male


The real question is the reputational damage to the charity. The guy likes directness. Bring it up at the board meeting so everyone can discuss it like adults. Don't leave the elephant in the middle of the table.

Change agent, male, 55


What does this buffoon do for your charity besides intimidate you? Provide financial advice? It's proved worthless. Use his connections? He's now a pariah. Donate his personal wealth? The lawyers are about to descend on that. Ask yourself – and him – what he's still doing on your committee.

Male, director, 39




在以往的岁月中,礼节很清晰。损失金钱是丢面子的事情。这个人很快就会离开你的慈善委员会,假如你们日后再相逢,你不应再搭理他。当安东尼•特罗洛普(Anthony Trollope)笔下的恶棍奥古斯塔斯•梅尔莫特(Augustus Melmotte)丧失掉他的财富时,随着而来的耻辱使他羞愧难当,自杀看来是一种更轻松的解脱方式。

相反,在当今岁月,损失金钱在社会上完全可接受。损失数十亿英镑的事情很可能出现在报纸的头版,甚至在几年之后还可以享有金融预言家的美誉。看看约翰•梅里维瑟(John Meriwether)的例子吧:头一分钟他一手导演了长期资本管理公司(LTCM)的破产,紧接着就把自己重新塑造成一个对冲基金上帝。























