
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:52   50   0  

2010-9-17 23:54

小艾摘要: China, the world’s largest energy consumer, will see fundamental shifts in its energy sources over the next decade that will reduce the country’s reliance on coal and oil.Beijing is expected to anno ...
China, the world’s largest energy consumer, will see fundamental shifts in its energy sources over the next decade that will reduce the country’s reliance on coal and oil.

Beijing is expected to announce measures in the five-year plan for 2011-15 that will boost the country’s supply of cleaner fuels, including nuclear power, hydroelectric power and natural gas.

The plan will probably include a firm target for reduction in carbon intensity, a measure of carbon consumption relative to gross domestic product (GDP). China announced last year that it would reduce carbon intensity 40-45 per cent by 2020.

China’s current five-year plan has a slightly different target: reducing energy consumption relative to GDP by 20 per cent from 2005 to 2010. For a long time it was unclear how seriously Beijing would take this pledge, or what impact the goal might have on energy consumption. But measures this year, including steel mill closures and a crackdown on energy-guzzling heavy industries, have reinforced the impression that China will go to great lengths to reach its energy-related targets.

These measures suggest that its carbon intensity target, when implemented, will also be enforced and could catalyse the shift in China’s energy fuel mix that is already under way.

Coal, which accounts for about 70 per cent of energy supply, could fall to 60 per cent within 10 years.

Natural gas and alternative fuels such as solar, wind, hydro and nuclear power, will step in to fill the gap, with natural gas consumption expected to double as a proportion of the country’s energy mix in the next five years alone.

China’s demand for coal will still rise in absolute terms, but the government will work to tighten the market by slowing new coal production, subsidising other fuels, and possibly raising taxes on coal mining in tandem with the tax rise that is being rolled out for oil and gas.

The carbon target will also force coal plants to become cleaner and could see stricter regulation of thermal emissions standards, which are patchily enforced at present.

Coal gasification technologies will become increasingly important as a way to burn coal more cleanly and eventually as a way to transport energy from far-flung coal regions such as Xinjiang.

Energy security will also drive China’s shift away from coal and oil. China became a net importer of coal last year, and could soon surpass Japan as the world’s top importer of thermal coal. China is also one of the world’s top crude importers, and imports are set to continue to grow as the country fills up its oil reserves.

“If China doesn’t make this shift toward natural gas and alternatives, it will have to import a lot more oil and coal,” says Laban Yu, an analyst at Macquarie. “So it needs to increase its use of natural gas and alternatives to provide a safety net for energy security.”

Government policies to promote the shift have gradually escalated. In June, the state-set price of natural gas was increased by 25 per cent, boosting incentives for gas producers.

Alternative energy sources such as wind and solar are subsidised at multiple stages of production, particularly by the availability of cheap land and capital. Wind-generated power is also subsidised, with preferential pricing from the grid.

“Non-fossil energy supply could reach 15 per cent by 2015, versus 7.8 per cent in 2009,” says David Hurd, head of oil and gas research in Asia for Deutsche Bank.

Hydropower is already playing an important role in that process, as power from huge projects like the Three Gorges dam starts to reach the energy-hungry south.

The shift will not be painless. The energy efficiency drive this year illustrates some of the challenges. For starters, government directives about energy policies are often ignored at the local level.

This year’s energy crackdown only got under way after months of high-level speeches and directives from Beijing were followed up with an inspection tour of Hebei province, which reported dozens of mill closures in September.

The enforcement of a carbon target will also depend on the government’s willingness to absorb the economic impact of a reduction in carbon intensity. The current energy efficiency goal was thrown off track by the Rmb4,000bn ($590.4bn) stimulus plan, which prompted huge investments in industries such as steel and cement.

Steel consumption relative to gross domestic product jumped in 2009 as a result in the boom in stimulus-fuelled construction. As a result, China became less energy-efficient in the first quarter of 2010.

The country is trying to reverse that effect by encouraging heavy industry plants to shut – at least until the end of the year, so that energy intensity targets can be met.

The economic impact of those closures could shave more than 2 per cent off China’s GDP, according to Morgan Stanley.












“如果中国不实现向天然气和替代能源的转变,就只能进口更多的石油和煤炭,”麦格理(Macquarie)分析师Laban Yu表示。“因此,中国需要加大对天然气和替代能源的利用,为能源安全提供保障。”



德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)亚洲油气分析师大卫?赫德(David Hurd)表示:“到2015年,非化石能源供应的比例将从2009年的7.8%上升至15%。”







摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)称,工厂停产的经济影响可能会令中国的GDP下滑2%以上。

