
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:48   67   0  

2010-8-31 01:33

小艾摘要: The Hong Kong chief executive normally gets his calls returned. But on Monday, as television stations broadcast a hostage drama in Manila involving Hong Kong tourists, Donald Tsang could not reach the ...
The Hong Kong chief executive normally gets his calls returned. But on Monday, as television stations broadcast a hostage drama in Manila involving Hong Kong tourists, Donald Tsang could not reach the president of the Philippines until Beijing intervened.

Mr Tsang’s difficulty in reaching Benigno Aquino III highlighted a disadvantage of the “one country, two systems” arrangement, under which Beijing manages foreign affairs but otherwise grants the former British colony wide-ranging autonomy.

While this unique formula has safeguarded Hong Kong’s civil and media freedoms, which are not enjoyed elsewhere in China, in other circumstances it can contribute to confusion and miscommunication.

Eight Hong Kong residents died in the tragedy, which has angered people in the Chinese special administrative region. Speaking on Monday, an emotional Mr Tsang criticised the Manila police’s handling of the incident as “regrettable”.

Yang Jiechi, China’s foreign minister, added that he was “appalled” and demanded that the Philippine government take “tangible measures to ensure the safety and property of Chinese citizens in the country”.

A presidential spokesman said Mr Aquino had been locked in emergency meetings as the tragedy unfolded and that Mr Tsang’s calls went unanswered.

Other Philippine officials note that their communication channels with China flow through the foreign ministry in Beijing, which eventually facilitated meetings between Philippine and Hong Kong officials. Mr Tsang finally heard back from Mr Aquino on Tuesday.

For Hong Kong, such diplomatic insults, even if unintended, are harder to forgive in light of the tragedy that preceded them. Many residents stopped in their tracks on Monday, gripped by the television images from Manila where a disgruntled former Filipino policeman had seized a Hong Kong tourist coach.

In terms of media drama, the hostage crisis had parallels with the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US. But while Americans were able to find solace in the heroism of New York fire fighters, the people of Hong Kong were instead shocked by the bumbling rescue operation.

In the tragedy of errors that ensued, the gunman’s brother and the police crouched abjectly around the bus as they struggled for more than an hour to enter the vehicle. When it was over, the gunman and eight hostages lay dead.

A more positive consequence of the “one country, two systems” formula is that Hong Kong officials operate in the glare of a media spotlight that their mainland counterparts would not tolerate. Chinese state television, which blankets the nation with one unified, heavily censored news broadcast, ran only a short item on the Manila hostage crisis.

But that did not stop the news from spreading through mainland China via blogs, videos and photos posted on the internet.

“Just imagine if the people on the bus had been Americans – then the Philippine government would have taken a different approach because everyone knows how seriously the American government takes the lives of its citizens,” Chen Jimin, a Beijing student, wrote.

In Hong Kong, Mr Tsang has so far managed to strike the right balance between sadness and anger, while also moving to quell any possible backlash against the terrority’s sizeable population of Filipinos, most of whom work as domestic helpers.

“I think [the Hong Kong government] responded quite speedily this time,” Emily Lau, a Hong Kong legislator, says of official efforts to aid the wounded and bring home the dead. “But it is regrettable that President Aquino did not see fit to respond to the chief executive.”

Ms Lau adds that the tragedy highlights the need for more flexibility in the one country, two systems arrangement.

“It would require Beijing and the international community’s understanding, but it would be very good if we could set up some kind of channel for handling future incidents.”

On Thursday, China called on the Philippines quickly to release the findings of a probe into the hijacking. “We believe that the most urgent task is to get clear investigation results of the incident as soon as possible,” a foreign ministry spokeswoman said in a brief statement.

Additional reporting by Kathrin Hille in Beijing

通常情况下,香港特首拨打的电话都会得到回复。然而本周一,当电视上播放着香港游客在马尼拉被当作人质劫持的画面时,曾荫权(Donald Tsang)却无法联系到菲律宾总统,直至北京介入。

曾荫权在联系贝尼尼奥?阿基诺三世(Benigno Aquino III)时遇到的困难,显现出“一国两制”这种制度安排的局限。根据这一制度,香港这个前英属殖民地享有高度自治,但外交事务只能由北京出面进行。













在谈及官方帮助伤者和将遗体运返香港的努力时,香港立法会成员刘慧卿(Emily Lau)表示:“我认为(香港政府)这次的反应相当迅速。但遗憾的是阿基诺总统觉得回应香港特首不合常规”。





