2010-8-25 23:52
The killing of eight Hong Kong tourists taken hostage on a Manila bus has generated a huge outpouring of grief, frustration and anger in the Chinese territory.
On Tuesday, government flags were flown at half-mast in a sign of mourning, and activity on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ceased as traders observed a minute of silence. Several government websites were shaded in black and white, as was the Google logo on the company's Hong Kong-based search engine. Frustration and outrage over how Philippine police personnel handled the crisis was widespread. 'Sluggish Response of Philippines Police Cost Lives; China, Hong Kong Seeking Answers' read a headline in Apple Daily, one of Hong Kong's biggest papers by circulation, which devoted eight pages to the tragedy. On Twitter, one person referred to the Filipino SWAT team as 'Sorry We Aren't Trained.' By early Tuesday afternoon, the Facebook page 'R.I.P. Hong Kong Victims of Manila Bus Massacre 23/8/10″ had attracted nearly 6,500 followers. 'The gunman may have been an ex-policeman who knew police tactics but come on doesn't take 7 dead and 12 hours to end it,' a poster named Jordan Wong wrote on the site. The Monday killings took place after a dismissed policeman named Rolando Mendoza boarded a tour bus in the center of Manila. Mr. Mendoza, who was wearing camouflage and armed with an M-16 semiautomatic rifle, then took all 25 people on the bus hostage, including 21 tourists from Hong Kong, a Filipino driver and three Filipino individuals escorting the tourists. A standoff with local police that lasted roughly 12 hours ended when a SWAT team stormed the bus and killed Mr. Mendoza, but only after shooting dead eight tourists. A newly issued Hong Kong government 'black travel alert' for the Philippines warned that 'residents should avoid all travel to the country.' Tour groups were reported canceling previously arranged visits to the island nation, while Beijing also issued a travel warning to Chinese citizens, urging caution. The Philippines-based GMA-7 news channel reported that its consulate in Hong Kong was 'swamped with protests' over the crisis. Hong Kong sends about 120,000 tourists to the Philippines annually, GMA-7 quoted Philippine Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim as saying. That figure is likely to take a hit in the aftermath of the killings, he acknowledged, noting the country would 'have to work really hard just to recover from this.' 尼拉旅游大巴被劫事件中八名香港游客遇难,让香港地区的人们极度悲痛、沮丧和气愤。
周二港府下半旗致哀,香港证交所的交易活动暂停,交易员默哀一分钟。几家政府网站变为黑白色,谷歌(Google)香港搜索引擎的标识也变为黑白色。 人们对菲律宾警方处理危机的方式普遍表达了沮丧和愤怒。香港发行量最大的报纸之一《苹果日报》的头条写道“菲律宾警方行动迟缓致丧命,中国内地、香港要求作出回应”,并专辟了八页对此次惨剧进行报导。在Twitter上,一人指称菲律宾特种部队(SWAT)的简写为“对不起,我们没有受过训练。” 周二午后,Facebook“R.I.P.马尼拉大巴惨案香港遇难者”的网页吸引了近6,500人关注。一位名叫Jordan Wong的人在网站上写道,就算持枪歹徒以前是警察、了解警方的战术,但也不至于要死7个人、花12个小时才搞定吧。 此前遭到解职的警察门德萨(Rolando Mendoza)周一上了马尼拉市中心一辆旅游大巴,当时他身穿迷彩服、手持M-16半自动步枪,然后把车上25人全部劫持,其中包括来自香港的21名旅客,一名菲律宾司机及另外三名陪同游客的菲律宾人。 门德萨与当地警方对峙了大约12个小时,以菲律宾特种部队的一个小组向大巴发动强攻并打死门德萨告终,但此前已有八名游客被枪击身亡。 香港政府对菲律宾发出“黑色旅游警告”,提醒市民不应赴菲律宾。据报导,旅游团取消了此前安排的前往菲律宾的旅游,同时中国政府亦对中国公民发出旅游警告,提醒要提高警惕。 菲律宾GMA-7新闻频道报导,菲律宾驻香港领事馆因此次危机遭到“严重抗议”。GMA-7援引菲律宾观光部长Alberto Lim的话说,香港每年到菲律宾旅游的人数约为12万人。他承认,在枪杀事件后这一数字可能将严重下降,他表示菲律宾必须付出极大的努力以弥补此次事件的影响 |