2010-7-31 02:46
Google Inc. (GOOG) said its search engine was 'fully blocked' to users in mainland China, the first time that has happened since Google stopped self-censoring its search results in March.
Google's online ads and its mobile search were also fully blocked for the first time, according to the company's 'mainland China service availability' Web page. For the past few weeks, Google's search feature that 'suggests' queries to users as they begin typing letters in the search box has been fully blocked. That feature is popular in China because typing out Chinese characters takes longer than other languages. A Google spokeswoman didn't immediately comment. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt previously said the Internet search company was at the mercy of the Chinese government, even after it renewed Google's license to operate in China earlier this month. 'Our operations in China are completely at the discretion of the Chinese government. I don't want anyone to be confused about that,' Mr. Schmidt said earlier this month. After complaining it had been hit with a cyber attack originating from China, Google in March stopped removing material from its results that the government found objectionable. Google then began redirecting queries from its mainland China site to a non-censoring version of its search engine hosted in Hong Kong. Google stopped the automatic redirect two weeks ago after the Chinese government indicated it wouldn't renew its license if the company continued the practice. Google's Chinese site, google.cn, now requires visitors to click on an image to be redirected to the Hong Kong site for web searches. While Google doesn't censor its Hong Kong site, the government takes measures to limit access to certain content on the Internet. And other Google services, such as video site YouTube, have long been blocked by China. The turmoil has caused Google to lose market share to its chief rival, Baidu Inc. (BIDU), which has long been the no. 1 search engine in China. Baidu's share of the search market grew six percentage points in the second quarter to 70%, according to Beijing-based research firm Analysys International. Google's market share fell by about the same amount, to 24%. 谷歌(Google Inc.)说,其搜索引擎在中国大陆被“完全封锁”,这是自3月份谷歌停止自我审查搜索结果以来的第一次。
据谷歌在一个介绍中国大陆用户对谷歌服务可访问情况的网页上说,谷歌在线广告和移动搜索业务也首次被完全封锁。 过去几周来,谷歌的“Suggest”(建议)搜索功能被完全封锁。这一功能可以在用户开始在搜索框中输入字母时,推荐搜索条目。这一功能在中国很受欢迎,因为输入中文比输入其他语言花的时间长。 谷歌发言人暂时没有置评。谷歌首席执行长施密特(Eric Schmidt)此前曾说,谷歌听任中国政府的摆布,甚至是在本月早些时候中国政府批准谷歌在华运营的许可证续期之后。 施密特本月早些时候说,我们的在华业务完全由中国政府摆布。我希望大家对此不要有什么误解。 在抱怨受到源自中国的网络攻击之后,谷歌3月份不再去除搜索结果中政府认为的反对性内容。谷歌之后开始将搜索业务从中国大陆转到不受审查的香港网站。两周前,中国政府暗示,如果谷歌继续这样做,将不会获得许可证的续期;之后谷歌停止了自动转向。 目前,谷歌中文网站google.cn要求访问者点击一幅图片后,才能跳转到香港网站进行网络搜索。 尽管谷歌对其香港网站不进行审查,政府会采取措施限制对互联网上某些内容的访问。视频网站YouTube等谷歌其他服务在中国早就被封了。 这场纷争导致谷歌将市场份额拱手让给其主要竞争对手百度。百度长期以来都是中国最大的搜索引擎。据位于北京的研究公司易观国际(Analysys International)的数据,二季度,百度在搜索市场中的份额增长了六个百分点,至70%。谷歌的市场份额则大约下滑了同样的幅度,至24%。 |