
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:36   65   0  

2010-7-23 21:21

小艾摘要: A slowdown in China's headlong economic growth, while moderate so far, is reverberating through global markets because of the country's outsize role as a buyer of metals, minerals and other commodit ...
A slowdown in China's headlong economic growth, while moderate so far, is reverberating through global markets because of the country's outsize role as a buyer of metals, minerals and other commodities.

Since Beijing started cracking down on its overheating property market in mid-April, global prices for aluminum are down 18%; for copper, 13%; for lead, 19%; and for nickel, 27%, though prices for all of those metals have stabilized somewhat in recent weeks. Steel prices in China are down about 15% over the period. Analysts say there could be further declines, as growth in China's huge construction sector continues to ease.

The construction boom in China has played a crucial role in global demand for raw materials, to the benefit of resource exporters such as Australia, Brazil, Canada and much of Africa. The Chinese government this month reaffirmed its commitment to policies aimed at restraining high housing prices and property speculation, which became an increasing source of middle-class discontent in recent months. Analysts are now expecting conditions in China's property market to get worse before they get better.

The majority of Chinese steel and aluminum producers are now operating at or below their cost levels, wrote Daniel Kang, head of metals & mining in Asia-Pacific at HSBC Ltd., in a research report published on Wednesday. 'This should trigger supply cuts from producers . . . and provide a floor for prices,' he wrote. Production cuts will persist during the third quarter until the market restores the balance.

Among all commodities, nickel and copper are under particular stress. HSBC analysts noted that a drop in home sales led to a decreased appetite for appliances such as washing machines and air conditioners. In China, nearly 25% of nickel and 18% of copper are used to make home appliances.

Data issued July 15 showed overall growth in China easing to 10.3% in the second quarter from 11.9% in the first quarter.

Ben Simpfendorfer, an economist at Royal Bank of Scotland, says China's commodity consumption is likely to fall more sharply than overall economic growth. 'It is heavy industry and commodities that are worst affected, as they benefited most from the earlier investment-led growth surge,' he says. 'The financial markets may not be recognizing the risks of a sudden drop-off. They're still not used to China's outsized swings.'

China accounted for 66% of world iron-ore imports and about 40% of global consumption of aluminum, copper and zinc in 2009, according to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, a government research agency. The International Energy Agency this week further highlighted China's huge role in natural resources, saying the country has surpassed the U.S. as the world's largest consumer of energy -- an assertion China disputed. By contrast, China accounts for only about 3% of world imports of consumer goods, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund, so its slowdown won't be as noticeable to countries that make such products. And most indications are that China's economy has cooled only modestly so far.

'China's economic growth has made a significant contribution to the world economic recovery,' says National Bureau of Statistics spokesman Sheng Laiyun, pointing to 53% growth in China's total imports in the first half of the year.

Shipments of commodities tell a different story: China's purchases of iron ore in June fell 15% from a year ago in volume terms, and those of copper fell 31%. China's coal imports, while still high, were at their lowest level in a year in May. Heavy industry seems to be shifting into a lower gear, with China's crude steel output growing at its slowest pace in a year in June.

'Steel consumption demand has fallen,' Industry Minister Li Yizhong said in recent comments reported by the Xinhua news agency. He warned of the impact of worsening business conditions in the world's largest producer and consumer of steel. 'Some steel companies are losing money, and if they don't quickly take effective measures, it could affect the steel industry's hard-won recovery.'

In Australia, the central bank raised interest rates in May, citing in part the boost that high commodity prices were delivering to the Australian economy. China bought nearly 22% of Australia's exports last year and absorbs about a third of its key minerals exports. The central bank of Canada, another major commodity exporter, followed with its own increase in interest rates in June.

But in announcing this month that the Reserve Bank of Australia was leaving interest rates unchanged, Governor Glenn Stevens noted that 'there are indications that growth in China is now starting to moderate to a more sustainable rate.' Still, he didn't express alarm about the recent fall in raw-material prices.

'Commodity prices are off their peaks but those most important for Australia remain at very high levels,' he said.

Growing demand from developed economies could still support commodity prices, though there are worries about the strength of the recovery in the U.S. and Europe. In an April report, the Bank of Canada said it expects nonenergy commodity prices to rise by about 30% over the next three years. While it forecasts China's growth to slow to 9% in 2011 and 2012, it expects other major economies to be growing more strongly by then and taking up the slack in commodities markets.



汇丰(HSBC Ltd.)亚太市场金属及矿业主管Daniel Kang在周三发表的研究报告中写道,中国多数钢铁和铝生产商目前正在平本甚至亏本经营,这应导致生产商减少供应,……并让价格得以触底。第三季度将持续减产,直到市场恢复平衡。



苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)经济学家贝哲民(Ben Simpfendorfer)说,中国大宗商品消费的下降幅度可能高于整体经济增幅的下降,重工业和大宗商品受打击最大,因为它们从早期投资引领的经济增长中受益最多。金融市场可能还没有意识到突然下降的风险,它们还没有习惯于中国市场大幅度的波动。

根据政府研究机构澳大利亚农业经济局(Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics)数据,2009年中国在全球铁矿石进口中占66%,在全球铝、铜和锌消费中约占40%。国际能源署(International Energy Agency)本周进一步凸显了中国在自然资源方面所扮演的重要角色,指称中国已超过美国,成为全球最大的能源消费国,这一声明受到中国的驳斥。形成鲜明对比的是,根据国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)的估算,中国在世界进口消费品中仅约占3%,所以中国需求放缓对生产这些产品国家的影响不是太明显。多数指标显示,迄今中国经济仅温和放缓。





但本月澳大利亚央行维持利率不变,央行行长史蒂文斯(Glenn Stevens)表示,有迹象显示,中国经济增长开始放缓至更可持续的水平。不过他依然没有对近期原材料价格下跌发出警告。

