2010-7-14 02:07
Investors are losing money on a number of private investments in Chinese companies, as projections that seemed like sure winners three or four years ago run into trouble.
These investors purchased traditional bonds and bonds convertible into stock ahead of expected initial public offerings and rich stock-market valuations. The market for private offerings of high-risk, high-yield debt and convertible bonds in Asia took off in 2006 and 2007, backed by strong demand from hedge funds. Deal watchers say the reasons behind the stumbles vary, but together they show that investments in China and other parts of Asia might be riskier than default figures suggest. Losses can be tough to track because many such deals aren't reported and involve investors that generally keep their cards close to their vests, such as hedge funds and private-equity firms. Liquidator firm Borrelli Walsh says more than half of 11 Chinese companies listed in Singapore that sold convertible bonds from 2005 to 2008 are now unable to repay their debts. Their ranks include China Milk Products Group Ltd., Delong Holdings Ltd. and Celestial NutriFoods Ltd., which have all disclosed their problems to Singapore Exchange officials. The troubled companies together issued at least $700 million in convertible debt, according to Dealogic. Investors aren't willing to convert bonds into stock because the current share price is below the conversion price for the bonds and would saddle them with a loss. Some of those companies are involved in payment talks with bondholders. Another example is China Sun Bio-Chem Technology Group Co., which was delisted by the Singapore Exchange this year after PricewaterhouseCoopers couldn't verify the existence of bank and trade-receivable balances worth 929 million yuan ($137 million at current exchange rates). The company has since been trying to repay investors in its $100 million convertible bond, which was handled by J.P. Morgan Chase in 2006. Asia's default rate on public, speculative-grade corporate bonds was 5.9% last year, according to Standard & Poor's, lower than the 9.2% global rate and the 10.9% rate for the U.S. But deal watchers say the figure would be higher if the region's private placements were included. - - 投资者对中国企业的大量非公开投资正在出现亏损,三四年前看上去肯定会赚钱的项目陷入了麻烦。
这些投资者在预期中的首次公开募股(IPO)和较高的股市估值前,买入了传统的债券和可转债。 受对冲基金旺盛需求支持,非公开发行的高风险、高收益债券和可转债市场于2006和2007年在亚洲兴起。交易观察者表示,此类交易不顺的原因不尽相同,但总体来说,它们显示出投资中国和亚洲其他地区的风险可能高于违约数据所显示的情况。 亏损很难追踪,因为许多这样的交易不被报导,涉及的投资者通常行事谨慎,比如对冲基金和私募股权投资公司。 公司债务清算企业保华顾问(Borrelli Walsh)公布,在新加坡股市上市的从2005至2008年出售可转债的11家中国企业中,超过一半目前不能偿还债务。其中包括中国嵘燊集团有限公司(China Milk Products Group Ltd.)、德龙控股(Delong Holdings)和天圜营养集团(Celestial NutriFoods Ltd.),它们均向新加坡证交所官员披露了自己的问题。 根据Dealogic数据,这些问题公司总计至少发行了7亿美元可转债。 投资者不愿将债券转换为股票,因为当前股票价格低于债券的转换价格,这将使他们蒙受损失。一些企业中正与债券持有者进行偿付谈判。 另一个例子是峻煌生化科技集团有限公司(China Sun Bio-Chem Technology Group Co.),该公司今年被新加坡证交所摘牌,此前普华永道会计师事物所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)无法核实总计9.29亿元人民币 (以当前汇率计算合1.37亿美元)的银行存款和应收帐款。该公司自那起努力偿付其1亿美元可转债的投资者,这些可转债是在2006年由摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase)帮助发行的。 根据标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)数据,亚洲公开发行的投机级公司债券违约率去年为5.9%,低于全球9.2%的违约率和美国10.9%的违约率,但交易观察者说,如果把亚洲非公开发行的债券包括在内的话,违约率要高一些。 无力偿债的企业的数量之多促使新加坡证券投资者协会(Securities Investors Association of Singapore)请求中国政府规范部分企业,因为新加坡没有这样做的权限。该协会今年一直在与北京有关部门会谈,不过不清楚它们讨论的有哪些企业以及可能的规范措施有哪些。 凯易国际律师事务所(Kirkland & Ellis)驻香港合伙人戴义(David Patrick Eich)说,在中国,交易出问题的方式非常多,几率也非常高。问题各种各样,从客户对产品的需求较低,到发起人对前景过于乐观。他说,我在中国还从来没见过因为同样的原因而失败的交易。 很多受到冲击的企业都是中小型公司,它们没有更大的公司所享受的财力支持。 一个即将进行IPO而以破产告终的例子是,中国乳制品生产商湖南太子奶集团今年被清盘。该公司有英国私募股权公司英联投资(Actis)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)的支持。其中,摩根士丹利冲销了对其1,500万美元的投资。该公司还欠包括苏格兰皇家银行集团(Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC)、新加坡星展集团(DBS Group Holdings)和花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)在内的债权人至少人民币3亿元。 市场观察人士预计中国房地产业的部分领域在酝酿着更多的痛苦;作为政府遏制房地产业过热的努力的一部分,该行业的银行贷款被切断。普衡律师事务所(Paul Hastings)驻北京合伙人罗斯坦(Joel Rothstein)说,去年中资银行发放的贷款将数桩房地产交易从违约的边缘拯救了回来。 罗斯坦等人说,目前,放贷机构选择“掩耳盗铃”,给企业延长6到12个月的时间来试图“治愈”违约问题。 中国的债权人尤其容易受到冲击。中资企业不许向海外债务提供抵押品,因此债权人没有太多的担保。 围绕亚洲铝业控股有限公司的担忧尤其突出。在清盘之前,该公司曾试图以票面价格百分之几的价格回购债务,不过没有成功。包括对冲基金Stark Investments、美国银行美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)和Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC在内的债券人已经对本可以从该公司回购中收回的东西感到不满了,然而最后获得的还要更少。 戴义说,只有当把发行人置于违约中、你可以得到什么东西的时候,违约才是有价值的。 |