2010-7-7 15:45
AgBank raised $19.21 billion in an initial public offering in Hong Kong and Shanghai today - and it could raise $22.1 billion if both overallotment options are exercised.
That would rank it as a the biggest IPO of all-time, besting its peer, ICBC's $21.9 billion IPO in 2006. Despite most economists expecting China's growth to slow this year, AgBank's IPO shows that many investors believe the country will serve as an engine of the global economy. The IPO also highlights the dominance of developing countries in capital markets as Europe and the U.S. continue to wobble. So far this, year the world's largest IPOs have come from Asian and developing countries. The top 10 offerings of the year include firms from China, Russia, Poland and India, none from the U.S. and only one from Western Europe, in Spain. Below are the five biggest IPOs in the developing world vs. the five biggest IPOs in the developed world. 中国农业银行周三在香港和上海的首次公开募股(IPO)中筹集了192.1亿美元──如果两地的超额配售权都得以行使的话,则有望筹集221亿美元。
这将使农行IPO成为有史以来规模最大的,超过了中国工商银行2006年219亿美元的规模。 尽管大部分经济学家预计中国今年增长会放缓,农行IPO却显示出,很多投资者认为中国将成为全球经济的一个引擎。农行IPO还凸显出,在欧洲和美国持续动荡之际,发展中国家在资本市场上的主导地位。今年以来,全球规模最大的IPO都来自亚洲和发展中国家。今年以来最大的10桩IPO包括中国、俄罗斯、波兰和印度的企业,而没有美国的企业,只有一家企业来自西欧──西班牙。 以下比较了发展中国家前5大IPO与发达国家前5大IPO。 新兴市场: