
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:32   78   0  

2010-7-14 02:10

小艾摘要: To see one key difference between the wealthy in Hong Kong and mainland China, take a look at 26-year-old Chinese property developer Yang Huiyan and 82-year-old Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing. The gap i ...
To see one key difference between the wealthy in Hong Kong and mainland China, take a look at 26-year-old Chinese property developer Yang Huiyan and 82-year-old Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing. The gap in their ages highlights a pattern playing out among the wider investing public in Hong Kong and China. According to a survey to be released Tuesday by HSBC Holdings, the average age of the wealthiest 10% of investors in mainland China is 36. By comparison, the average age of the richest investors in Hong Kong is 48.

HSBC said the discrepancy likely reflects the difference between Hong Kong's mature business environment and China's relatively young capitalist system. The report also found that the wealthiest investors in Hong Kong were twice as likely to be childless.

'With no kids, they'll have to rely on themselves and their own investments to pay for their retirements,' noted Bruno Lee, HSBC's head of wealth management for Asia-Pacific. HSBC's 'Affluent Asia Tracker' surveyed 2,000 investors across seven markets.
要想知道香港和中国内地富豪的一大不同,看看26岁的内地房地产开发商杨惠妍和82岁的香港大亨李嘉诚(LI Ka-shing)就知道了。他们两人的年龄差距凸显出香港和内地更广范围上市公司投资者的一种模式。据汇丰控股(HSBC Holdings)定于周二发布的一份调查报告,中国内地最富有的10%的投资者平均年龄为36岁。相比之下,香港最富有投资者平均年龄48岁。


汇丰亚太财富管理业务负责人李锦荣(Bruno Lee)说,由于没有孩子,他们就得依靠自身和自己的投资来养老。汇丰的“亚洲富人跟踪系统”(Affluent Asia Tracker)调查了七个市场的2,000名投资者。